Chapter 43: Slow Truth

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My body seemed to fly across the room as I made a mad dash to snatch the book out of Armin's hands.

But it was too late.

He had read it.

His face said it all.

"(Y-Y/N)... that..--"

"--Was something you weren't supposed to see!" I snapped, "Both of you!"

Mikasa's face was heavy with shock as she gazed at my trembling hand holding the diary. "That book... you... you said you hated werewolves!!"

My glare turned to Mikasa, who was slightly shaking.

"A person died!!" Armin cried out, making me look back at him.

"You said you hate werewolves, so why do you have something like that?!"

"How come you never told me this (Y/N)?!"

"Why do you have a dead person's diary?!!"

Shut up.

"Enough! Shut the hell up, both of you!!" I raised my voice, making it deeper and stronger.

The two fell silent, both with shock written all over their face.

Calm down (Y/N), calm down.

I glanced at Armin, his blue eyes swirling with emotions.

"Armin. If I tell you what's going on, promise me, you'll never tell a soul."

The blonde boy didn't reply for a little bit, but then he finally gave a nod. "I promise."

My gaze turned to Mikasa. "You too. Not a single word."

Mikasa answered almost immediately. "I promise."

After reassuring myself once more, I sat down with the diary in my hands. Thank god Petra is coming back late.

"I found this diary... when we were at the expedition."

"At Rose Lake?" Mikasa asked, frowning.

I nodded. "It was in the dirt, in the forest of our data collection range. I was taking notes when I slipped on the book and fell."

Armin nodded, eyeing the diary with curiosity.

"This diary.. belongs to a graduate from this school. Her name is Ilse Langnar. She was trying to find information on the history of werewolves, but she was killed when she had found the lead."

Silence. There was only silence after I explained the main story of it. Finally, Armin spoke up. "What was the lead? Where was it?"

I knew he would ask something like that.

"Where the lead is... I haven't an idea. But what-- no.. who the lead is..."

I paused, gazing at Armin, hoping to send a clear message. Prepare yourself.

"Dr. Grisha Jaeger."

Armin froze, his breath held in. He didn't move, not even a single twitch of his eye. Mikasa's eyes were wide, and her breathing shook.

I gazed at the two of them, wondering what their reactions were going to be.

The blonde boy started shaking his head, a hand going over his mouth. "What...? How...."

Mikasa's shocked grey eyes met mine. "Eren... does he..?"

I shook my head. "I don't think he knows. He still believes his father went missing and passed away."

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