Chapter 8: Greedy Brat

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"Petra..... can you shut up?" I mumbled in my sleep, flipping my body so I faced away from her.

"Who was that?"

"That was my roommate that apparently sleeps at 10 o'clock," Petra answered, shouting in my direction.

"Bitch shut up!" I growled, stuffing my face into my pillow.

"She calls you bitch?"

"Well... that's not the first time I've heard her curse."

"Oh my god," I exclaimed, grabbing more pillows and stuffing them over my head.

You're probably wondering what happened. After the magical-friend-bonding time with Hanji, we all went to the cafeteria together.

Connie, Sasha and Eren pushed through the line, making an opening for the rest of us. We all took our food, not too much, not too little.

I took what I believe is the proper proportion for someone like me, but turns out the guy behind me had other thoughts. I took some potatoes, meatballs and some sauce, with a simple bottle of water as my drink. And as I finished taking what I needed, he decided to speak up.

"3 potatoes and 3 meatballs? Fucking greedy brat."

"What?" I narrowed my eyes and glanced behind me, only to see Levi calmly taking a bottle of water with his eyes staring at mine.

I calmed myself and pushed past, catching up with Petra and the others, who were looking for a table.

And from the amount of people who were in our group, then joined again with the rest of Petra's friends, we literally took one of the long tables all to ourself.

And somehow, I ended up sitting between Levi and Hanji.

We all started eating together, the chattering of my friends making the dinner more lively. I ate casually, not really paying attention to how polite it looked. I mean, look at Sasha.

She's got two drumsticks in both hands, just stuffing it in her mouth.

I continued to eat, while watching what was happening on the table. It was getting a bit quiet until Jean whispered something into Connie's ear that made him choke on the milk he was drinking and spray it through his nose and mouth to the person he was facing.


The brown haired boy jumped off his seat in surprise, and ended up smashing his head on the floor.

He didn't faint, but he and Armin had to leave dinner and go to the infirmary to get his head fixed. I would've gone too, but, I was really hungry, so no.

Connie and Jean were forced to leave dinner too, only because they got called by one of the teachers guarding.

I chuckled lightly as I chewed, watching the four walk away. Hanji beside me, was wheezing as she just watched what happened. I took a half sliced meatball with my fork and stuffed it in my mouth, when all of a sudden Levi decided to comment.

"Now I get why your so greedy, you fucking pig."

I immediately swallowed what was in my mouth and turned to look at him, slamming my fork on the table. "Look mate, I don't know what's your problem with me, but puhhlease do fuck off."

"Gladly." He then took his tray and returned it, before leaving the cafeteria with his hands in his pocket.

"Asshole," I muttered under my breath.

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