Y/N: We're in class and... Your kinda on top of me in an inappropriate way.

The moment Y/N said that Ruby turned all kinds shades of red and dashed to her seat with her head under her hood. I was about to give a piece of my mind next when Professor Port coughed to gain our attention.

Port: Ah! Young Lad, how are you feeling? I've heard what happened and must I say you are one tough cookie to be standing and making jokes.

Y/N: Haha thank you sir. I'm feeling better thank you very much for your concern.

Port: Well eventhough you may be injured now but the moment you step into this class I expect the best of you.

Y/N: Of course sir.

Professor Port continued on with his story when Y/N passed a slip of paper to me.

Hey u ok?(Y/N)

What do u think?(Blake)

Look I'm sorry ok? I was just playing around.(Y/N)

I thought u were in a coma for real!(Blake)

Ik Im an ass but cmon Ik you can't hate me forever(Y/N)

SHUT UP(Blake)

I am... Im just writing it out(Y/N)

I hate u (Blake)

No u don't. (Y/N)

I crumbled the paper and threw it at his face continued to read my novel. When the bell rang, I quickly got up and tried to run off when Y/N grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

Y/N: I need to talk to you.

Blake: Let go of me you je-

Y/N: Blake I'm sorry but its serious now.

I was about to fight back when I saw how serious he was in his eyes. I sighed and just nodded. I told my team to go on ahead. When everyone left, it was just me and Team BLOOD.

Y/N: First of all. I'm so so sorry!

Blake: Whatever. So what do you want to talk about.

Gilbert: We need every single detail about the White Fang's activity after we left.

Blake: What? Why?

Ciel: Classified. But it's important.

I just sighed and told them everything after they left.

Blake: Well, obviously you guys know that Sienna Khan ordered the White Fang members to catch you after you left right?

All of them nodded.

Blake: Well right after you left, Adam requested to Sienna to have his own small army which he obviously got it. I also joined Adam in his platoon. He told me that he requested this because he wanted to raid and sabotage a few places that kept faunus as slave's but... he lied.

Blake: Right after he got his platoon, he ordered his men to attack a few trains consisting people. He told me that they were torturing our kind. I believe him for awhile. Every day he became more violent. He would order to kill innocents and steal from them. Suddenly a few weeks before I decided to leave, Adam started to target Dust. He would rob trains full of dust and pass it on to someone. A buyer I think. After that well... I'm here.

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