The Shining Beacon Part 1

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Romeo's POV


Me and the gang are currently walking down docks to ride on the airship to Beacon Academy. I was wearing a beanie to hide my horns, Gil had no problem to just retract his claws, Ciel tied her tail to her waist, Nana was wearing a bow to cover her ears ( she kinda looks cute with it. Kinda) and (Y/N) was wearing his (f/c) wig. All for the cause to hide our identities. When (Y/N) got home yesterday, he just toss the food on the table and slept the whole day. When we asked what happened, he would just waved us away and said "I'll tell you tomorrow". And when we did know what happened, I felt like killing myself for his behavior. I mean, who in the right mind would...

Gilbert: You blackmailed Professor Ozpin!?

Yeah that. I mean, it's Professor Ozpin for the gods sake! Now I'm kinda worried when we meet the guy, cause even (Y/N) said that he was shaking when he threaten Professor Ozpin

(Y/N): It's not an actual blackmail guys.

Nana: Hmmm but based on the dictionary that Ciel forc.. I mean Ciel asked me to read to kill the time, what the capt did is literally called blackmail.

(Y/N): Nana what did I say? Don't call me captain anymore. We're entering as students. That means all of us are equal.

When we entered the airship, I noticed that (Y/N) was staring at a girl wearing red and black with a red cloak. But my taste is aiming for her friend over there. Her blond hair, her "equipment" if you know what I mean, hehehe, her purple eyes. Simply stunning. I went over to Gil placed my shoulder on him and lowered my voice.

Romeo: Hey Gil. Look our boy is finally starting to getting interested with the ladies~

Gilbert: Are you serious?

Gilbert and I checked on (Y/N) again and true enough he staring at the red girl.

Gilbert: Damn. Ciel would be so jealous right now if she knows this.

Ciel: Know what?

Me and Gil jumped out of shock when Ciel spoke. She always has the tendency to do these kinda things and when we asked her to stop doing it she just tilted her head and said "do what?" Geez this girl sure is an airhead but at the same time she's the smartest in our group.

Romeo: Hehehe. Ciel, you do have a crush on our beloved captain right?

Ciel just literally turned from calm and quiet turned to panicky and nervous. Ciel reaction concluded our statement.

Gilbert: You see that red haired girl beside the blondie? Yeah we think that (Y/N) is kinda into her.

Ciel looked at where Gil was pointing and just nodded.

Ciel: I..I..I see! I.. If the cap... I mean (Y/N) w..were to like that insole...I meant that girl. W..wh..why would I care about who he chosses?!'s not like I disire to be advance my social status with him!!

She really needs help. Nana walked towards us and slung her arm on Ciel's shoulders and tried to comfort her.

Nana: There there Ciel. It's like they say there are plenty if fishes in the sea... In fact the red girl might not even like (Y/N)...

Gilbert: She's heading this way.

Nana: I stand correct.

(Y/N) walked over to us with red and blondie beside him.

(Y/N): Ruby, Yang. Meet my gang. Gang meet Ruby and Yang.

5 minutes earlier

Ruby's POV

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