Prince vs King: The Final Battle!!

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After Dreyden almost killing the Z Warriors, Answers has finally come. The Real King of Soldrian has Returned: Yamato.

Yamato looks around then saw his hands as God Aura finally ascended into a purple abyess smirking." Father remember when I killed you? I'll make sure to actually finish you off." Yamato eyes went invisble roaring in the sky

Dreyden felt the roar then shiver slowly but got in his stance, Yamato looks at Jack and Bai as he nods

Jack and Bai charges at Dreyden, Dreyden grabs Bai by the neck slamming him down and kicks Jack into a boulder as he kept getting pushed back into boulder then he yells transforming into Super Saiyan 2 charging at Dreyden

Dreyden was about to punch Jack in his face till Yamato blocks the attack then gut punches him through his stomach sending him flying to the sky

Jack and Travis made a father son Kamehameha towards Dreyden, Dreyden grew mad then transforn into Super Soldrian Mode blowing everyone back with a shockwave attack.

Mirei got in her stance then charges at Dreyden which backflips over him and breaks Dreyden's arm, Kaori slams him down from the horizon as she creates a giant kamehameha with Airi and Junko

Dreyden grits his teeth then smirks, Yamato cracks his knuckles then got in his stance. Dreyden turns back at Mirei and blast a ki blast towards her

Yamato grabs his father's hand then threw him in front of Jack's biggest Kamehameha in the history of Son.

Dreyden punches the kamehameha then creates a giant shockwave knocking everyone down but Jack." You and I have unfinished business..." Jack said as he transform into Demonic Super Saiyan 2 then charges at Dreyden.

Dreyden charges then grabs Jack by the neck as he threw him into a waterfall, A Flicker of light saves him then groans but chuckles at Jack." Can't always do this yourself old friend." Geta drops Jack on his butt

Jack playfully whines at Geta then stands up glancing at Dreyden who had a small device which made Kakazu turn against the Z Warriors then laughs." Nobody can stop me and my boy!" Dreyden states proudly then realizes Jack and Geta separated.

Jack and Geta started to do the fusion dance, Which both mutters the words." Fus..ion...Ha!" They both merged into Gack then releases a Giant scream shaking the core of earth.

Dreyden grins then got into his stance while he taunts the fused warrior to come at him, Gack charges at Dreyden once Gack came towards him. Kakazu kicks him in the air as he held his head

The King of Soldrian laughs at Kakazu then made him beat up Gack brutality, A Blast slams Kakazu back down which was created by Gack." Shame, You might be a king but I am going to make you my bitch!" Gack flew down fast

Dreyden jumps in the air about to slam him down till Yamato grabs his father in a full nelson still as Gack starts to beat on him. Mirei sidekick him in the face then scratches the mess out of his face

Dreyden yells out scattering a giant blast away from everyone, Yamato was slammed into the waterfall groaning in pain then his father grabs him by the neck." You coming with me boy!"

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