Chapter 2

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I woke up like the usual and found myself alone, like the usual. Mikasa and Annie always woke up early to catch good breakfast while Armin woke up around 2 in the morning to catch a school of sea monsters as they swim with the current. They don't give much importance on sunbathing like I do.

I sat on my usual spot facing east and waited for the sun to come out of the horizon, I relish the feeling of the heat of the sun as I close my eyes and feel the rays heats my skin. I flitch when I felt that something hard collides on my back, looking over my shoulder I saw a close, knuckle size clam on my deck. My eyes widens at the clam and I immediately grab my knife and force the clam open. Who ever threw this clam on my back is a very generous person, these types of calms are heavenly delicious and hard to get since they rest at the bottom of the ocean.

I finally open it, scraping the  meat inside I moan in delight as the rich flavor touch my tongue. Before I even finish, another one collided with my elbow. This time, it is more bigger than the first, I tried to finish the first one before moving to the second one. As much as possible I don't want to waste food and I want to savor the taste of the rare food. As I eat the second clam I notice that my harpoon actives and deactivates afterwards. There was something on the water, come to think of it, I was alone now so who's been throwing clams at me? Do clams jumps out of the water now a days?

I focus my attention to my harpoon, it activates and aims at the water, firing air on it's target. I slowly move to the direction on where it is aiming  and found nothing but plain dark waters. My harpoon keep firing air, I sat on my deck and leaning at the edge and watch waters. It was strange, harpoons only activates when there are sea monsters above the surface of the water but I see none!

I dangle my legs out of my boat, my feet almost brush at the water and continue eating my clam, also a plain excuse to have my knife ready when something came up. My harpoon keeps on firing none stop on the same area. Maybe my harpoon is busted already? I poke the harpoon with my knife hoping for it to stop but it didn't. After some time, I finished eating the clam and I finally got annoyed by the sound of my harpoon firing at nothingness, I decided to turn it off.

I clean the shells of the clam on the water until they are sparkling and shining. These will cost a fortune and Armin will flip! I continue cleaning the second clam when my eyes caught a glimpse of  the surface of the water, it was moving towards me. I ignore it and continue on cleaning the clam while maintaining my alertness. If this one can make itself invisible like the Phantom Carp then I might be in trouble. But nothing happened, I kept cleaning the clam until it is sparkling and shines as the last ray of sun hits it. Damn, I wasn't paying attention, the sun is about to disappear on dense clouds.

I got up from my sitting position and get ready to set sail, also turning on my harpoon again. I busied myself in preparing while occasionally glancing over my harpoon, it is still shooting but this time on different direction.

"Nah," I shrugged it off, this is not the first time that this happened. There are types of sea monsters that will travel near the surface but enough to easily spot them above water. Probably a school of Phanthom  fish. If those fish don't bother me, I won't bother them either.

I paddle my way to the current like usual routine. But I can't think of another reason that cause those clams to jump out of the water. It only makes me think that the ocean had many secrets to tell.


I've seen too many humans in my life that I almost memorize the way they travel, how they catch mindless fish with their sticks and how they attack them with their mechanical thingy.

Everything was a cycle above the waters, that's what makes the surface boring, every mer knows that. Humans live and died so why waste your time to them? They are not even appetizing to eat in the first place. But if the surface is boring how much more in  underwater? Triple.

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