"His heart was just broken for a long time." she met my eyes as she spoke.

"Even my love won't mend it...and I don't think it'll ever heal anymore." Nana frowned, "So you're giving up on him?" I asked, feeling scared at the thought of her answer.


[ Zayn ]

I checked the time before looking out the streets again, which I kept doing for at least two hours now.

He didn't send texts or anything to tell me where or how he was.

Sighing impatiently, I took my car keys and went to my car, "Lad!" an elderly voice called on my left.

I turned to the voice's direction and found an old couple before I found myself starting to walk towards them.

"Are you the new neighbors?" the lady asked as I noticed her arm linked with the man; Probably her husband.

"Yes, ma'am." I smiled at them courteously, "The wife's not home yet?" she queried again.

"Um, husband, actually." I retorted, bringing my hand up to scratch my neck, "We had a bit of an argument."

"I see. If it's just that, all you need to do is apologize with a bit of sweetness." the lady advised with a smile, "That's how he kept me for fifty years." she pointed at her husband teasingly.

"Wow. Fifty years, huh?" I murmured, "Fifty one, next week actually." she said as I felt a lump in my throat.

"Well, we better go. If you need anything, feel free to come and see us." she offered, "I'm Granny Czarina, by the way, and this is Mr. Benjamin." she gestured to herself before her husband.

"Welcome to the neighborhood!" she said one last time, "Good night." I managed to aver before they went inside.

Then I felt my phone vibrate before I saw a text from Nana, Liam is with me. Please come here, I need to talk to you.

I wasted no time as I hopped in my car and drove.


[ Normal | Third Person ]

Zayn opened the familiar door and closed it silently before trudging inside and seeing Liam and Nana sitting on the couch.

"Nana." Zayn announced his presence after looking at Liam, "Zayn, you're here." Nana stood up and went to her grandson.

"Liam and I were talking and...uh, how do I say this? Well, you see, I need to tell you something." Nana said making Zayn look at Liam, who was not meeting his gaze.

"I asked you to come over because-," Nana was interrupted by Liam, "Nana." Liam stated before standing up while Nana and Zayn looked at him.

"I just asked him to come over. That's all." Liam shrugged on his jacket before making his way to the two, "Thank you for your hospitality, Nana." he gave a hug to the lady who was sporting a small smile before linking his fingers with Zayn's.

"Let's go, yeah?" Liam averred to his spouse before turning and walking to the door.

He could've sworn he saw that Zayn smiled too.


"Here." Liam handed a few photos to Zayn, "I took them from Nana's photo album." he said along with the television sounds.

"So this is why Uncle Tom's project was so important to you, right?" Liam watched the family commercial as Zayn looked through the photographs.

"Liam, the truth is..," Zayn paused to lick his dry lips, "I want to be better than my father." he confessed.

"He's so good, look." he gestured to the advertisement at the TV, "He can make all married couples look like they're in love."

Liam just kept his gaze at Zayn, "Look at that. A faithful husband, but in reality, it's all fake." Zayn chuckled bitterly.

Liam couldn't resist it, "Kinda like us, huh?" he asked softly before Zayn gave him this unreadable stare which he just returned back.

"Liam, I..," the raven started, "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier."

"See? From what I've just heard, you are now better than your dad." Liam hummed approvingly, clutching the pillow he took from the bedroom.

"My mom used to tell me that, the one who knows how to say sorry is the better person." Liam continued, "So that means, you're now better than anyone else."

Zayn smiled before turning away and shaking his head, "So congratulations! You are now close to becoming better! Yay!" Liam cheered, throwing his arms up like a child.

"You really think I can be a better person than my dad?" Zayn inquired, "Of course." Liam nodded slowly.

"Liam," Zayn looked at Liam once again, "Thank you for coming home with me." Zayn had a small, but genuine smile on his face.

Liam blushed at that and averted his eyes away from the raven's stare before turning back and seeing Zayn smiling while looking down.


"Liam." Zayn stopped short on his way to Uncle Tom's office, "He might still be angry." he had a sad expression as he spoke.

"Don't think about that. Just show him that you are sincere and he'll surely understand." Liam said reassuringly, "So, go." he ushered the older lad.


"I had no excuse for my behavior." Zayn explained, trying not to react to Uncle Tom's look, "Everything's my fault and I'll understand if you don't give me a second chance." he rubbed his palms nervously.

"But if you do, I'll promise to give it my all." Zayn stated genuinely.


"Liam!" Zayn got out of the office and immediately called, making his spouse turn around and be crushed into a hug.

"He gave me another chance!" Zayn said happily, "Thank you, thank you!" he was nuzzling Liam's shoulder causing the latter to awkwardly pat the Bradford lad's back.

"Zayn...?" he chortled in an awkward way, still patting the lad's back, "Zayn, hey." Liam breathed in relief when Zayn let him go.

But it got more awkward when Zayn stared at him like a deer in front of headlights while he probably did the same, "What was that? Express hug delivery from Uncle Tom or...?" Liam tried to joke his way out of the awkwardness.

"Um, well...there was a remnant hug from Mr. Geoff." Zayn quickly thought of that and lied.

"Huh?" Liam's face contorted in confusion, "Huh?" Zayn immediately mimicked his husband before coughing, "Uh, yeah. Let's go."

Zayn only went to the elevator and left Liam smirking at him, "Hm.."

He only clicked his tongue smugly before following his husband in the elevator.

- xx -

Author's Note:


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