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Y/n's POV

"Y/n-ah! Wake up!" My mother called out from downstairs. I woke up and took a shower. I went downstairs and my father was busy reading the newspaper while my mom was busy cooking.

"Morning Sweetie!" My Mom kissed my forehead and my dad did too. "What is today's food?" I asked as I licked my lips. "Since we are rushing to work, I just made a simple pancake, we need to go now, be careful on your way to school." My mom and dad left the house.

I looked at my plates and ate it. I still had time so I didn't rush. After eating, I washed the plate and left.


I went in and my school is quite different from other high schools. We can choose a category we want to be in, example, acting/filming, cooking/baking, dancing/singing, and etc.

I joined cooking and baking. I always love food and that is why I'm always chubby. But recently I've been losing weight and it kind of worked. My type of body is it gets fat and skinny easily.

I didn't have any bestfriends but I have lots of friends. I actually like to be alone but if I need a friend, they are always there for me. I went to the cooking class and went to my cooking station.

The teacher came in and smiled. "Good morning students" she greeted, "Good morning Mrs. Lee" we all said in a unison. "Today we'll be cooking some kimchi jjigae with the kimchi you all made 2 days ago" she said and we got excited.

*skip time

"Ooh our ACE" Mrs.Lee said as she looked at my cooking. "Thank you Mrs.Lee" I smiled and she smiled back. "A lot of people always makes this mistake which is the way of cutting. But the way you cut is right!" She exclaimed and the rest of the students got interested.

"Is this right?" A girl asked Mrs.Lee "Yes yes! Just like that!" She replied. We continued and soon everything was done. This is the worst part,

"Alright everyone! Before we do anything else, clean up your stations!" Mrs.Lee ordered and we all groaned. We washed everything and put it back to it's own place. Then after this, comes the best part,

"Is everyone done?" Mrs.Lee asked "YES!" We said in a unison. "Great now you can eat it! But leave me some, I want to taste it" Mrs.Lee sheepishly said.

We shared with each other and we ate while chatting happily. Suddenly we heard a scream.

"What's that?" "Did you hear that?" We looked at each other confused. "WATCH OUT!" A girl pointed to the window behind me. I looked behind me and saw a man broke in. We all covered our heads because the glass shattered around.

"Everyone leave!" Mrs.Lee said and they all started running. My feet was injured because I was closest to the window. The man then took out his gun and shoot outside.

I covered my ears. I looked at the man and it was one of the students in this school. He's famous in the dancing/singing group. "Yah! Girl, come here!" He said and dragged me outside the class.

"Oww oww, my feet hurts" I hissed and he looked at my now bleeding leg. He threw me over his shoulder and he started running, we ran through the hallways and he looked back and shot.

What is happening?

We ran to the back of the school. The field was located here. There was some storage room filled with gym equipments. There was the mattress thingy for sport. (Idk what the name is)

He gently dropped me there and locked the door. It wasn't dark because there was a small window on top of the room which brought lights in. The man panted and sat down, leaning against the door.

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