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Y/n's POV

"Yes father" I bowed. "You May leave now, also, please tell your mother to come in to my room tonight. I would like to spend the night with her" he smirked and I nodded. I went out of the throne room and one maid and knight were following me from behind.

"Can you tell my mom for me?" I asked one of the maids, Felicia also who is like my second mother to me, she replied with a 'yes princess' and left. I was left with the knight, Taeyong, Felicia's husband.

"Can you leave me alone for a bit, I need to think about something" I smiled at him and he smiled back before bowing. He left. I went to the small lake and saw swans swimming around.

I stood Infront of the lake, admiring my reflection. "Should I accept it?" I mumbled. "Should I let my father arrange my marriage with another prince and I will be the most powerful queen in the world or should I find my own love but become a normal queen?" I asked myself.

Power is everything In this world and my goal is to have the biggest power in the world and make peace and no more using power in this world but I also want to find a husband who I love.

I sighed and I heard footsteps running towards me. "Princess, it's your flower arranging session" Felicia said and I nodded. "You're thinking about the king's choice aren't you?" She asked and I just kept silent. "If you need advice from me, I think it's best if you just find your own love because even if you do become the most powerful queen in the world and do your plan, we won't even know if the villagers will agree or not" she explained and I sighed. "Let's go to the garden" I was so stressed about it that I decide to ignore about it.

I picked up some flowers that i want to arrange, I took all the materials needed and went to the private room. I sit there and start doing it. Suddenly a group of knights came out while talking happily while grabbing a wooden sword. "They must be training" I talked to myself.

When they saw me they all stopped talking and bowed to me. "Good afternoon princess" they all greeted in a unison. "Afternoon, gentlemen" I replied. "EVERYONE FIND A PARTNER!" The trainer ordered. They each found someone and followed the instructions.

"Do The normal routine" the trainer ordered again. They just kept in fighting without harm. Friendly match. I was arranging the flower while watching them. I want to sword fight once but it's a bit impolite for princesses studying swordsmanship because that means we don't follow the tradition of our family.

After a few minutes, "5 MINUTE BREAK!" The trainer said and they all sat on the ground. A knight came over to me, "hey princess" he smiled. All of the knights widened their eyes in shock. My jaw also dropped from shock. He was informal to me. It's not that I didn't like it, in fact it was the opposite.

He laughed, "close your mouth princess, a fly will get in" he joked. I smiled warmly at him. He's the first person to talk informally to me other than Kings and queens. "What's your name?" I asked and he was hesitating. "Call me Mochi or Chim Chim" He said.

"Ok....?" I asked unsure. "Princess, do you ever leave the castle?" He whispered quietly so no one will hear it. Felicia and Taeyong were both on my sides. "No" I whispered back, "Do you want to?" He asked again and I thought about it for a while, "I want to but if someone know I sneaked out, I'll be in trouble and you'll be in one too" I warned.

"So? There are always consequences in everything we do, tonight at 9, I'll come to your window, the one that is Infront of the garden, and fetch you from there, don't wear dresses, wear some long pants and shirt. Also grab a hood and mask to cover your face" He advised and I agreed.

"Chim Chim!" The trainer shouted and Chim Chim looks worried. "Y-Yes sir?" He asked "Go back to training now!" He ordered and Chim Chim sighed before waving bye at me and continue his session.

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