Now I was again thinking. Will the wolf attack me? I looked up again. The wolf had come so close, that I could almost touch his fur. It looked a bit... weak?

I opened the door, and ushered it to come out. he took forward a hesitant step.

"Come, Mr. Wolf, you're free."

Though he hadn't attacked me, I was still scared. so, I decided to leave. My work was over, after all. I grabbed my bag from behind the bushes, and walked away.

As I walked towards the lake, again, I heard footsteps behind me. Afraid that one of the men had woken up, I cautiously looked behind.


I found the most ferocious pair of green eyes, staring at me.

He did not look like one of those men. he waqs much more bigger.
Dangerous. His whole chest, arms were inked with tattoos. He had an absurdly handsome face, but his looks clearly sent the message that he's not a person, to mess up with.


Now that I was finally able to take my eyes off his face, my peripheral vision rang a siren.

He was naked. Not even a fig leaf in the way. I immidiately closed my eyes.
"You need clothes?"

No answer.

"You see my chubby frame, don't you?", i asked, my eyes still closed. "So... Ihave a pair of gym shortss, that are very loose to me, because they didn't have my size, and they gave boy's medium size. Maybe they'll fit you."

I turned around, finally opening my eyes. I took yhe light ochre shorts out of my bag, closed my eyes, turned around, and held them out for him.
"Wear these", I said.

The crackling of leaves told me that he's coming towards me. He took away the shorts.

"Okay then, Mr. ... Green eyes. I'll count till ten?"


My shorts, were definately tight to him. The tears at the sides proved it. He's so big, after all... Not daring to look up, I simply turned away to leave.
A strong pair of arms grabbed me, and turned me around. His finger roughly jerked my chin upwards, so that I was staring directly into those dangerous green orbs of his. Though he had a neutral expression on, I was damn sure that I may scream anytime.
He simply released me after a staring competition of a few minutes, that were like some millenia to me. Now that I was released, I briskly started to walk away. According to my watch, still fiftyminutes left to sunset.
Wait. He's still following me!

I stopped and turned behind. He was about ten steps away, his face expressionless, as he stared at me.

"Are you hungry?"
No answer.

"Are you lost?"
No answer.

"You need something?"
No answer.

"Can you even speak?"

God! the only thing he's doing, is staring at me. Wickedly? Angrily? I don't know! He's just so... expressionless!

Fine, then.
"In case your'e waiting for me to sing, let me tell you- I have a very horrible voice. You want me to sing?"
No answer.

"Fine, then. 'All the sigle ladies, all the single ladies. All the sigle ladies, all the sing-'"

His glare simply shut me up. I turned away and started to walk home. I seriously don't have time for this. I'll go home, and if he follows me in, then... I have a baseball bat and a pepper spray in with me.

He quietly kept following me. Occasionaly, I'd turn around, only to find him ten steps away. Then I'd ask him any random question, like 'Do you know about Niall Horan's latest photoshoot?' or 'Peter from our history class locked Mrs. Jenks in the washroom.'

But he never spoke a word.
Finally I could spot the house, as we edged closer to the forest's boundary.
He stopped there.

I looked behind, to find him leaning against a tree, looking at me.

"You... would you like to come in?"
No answer.

I walked upto my house, to  unlock the door. Without looking at him, I said, a little too loud, "By the way, I'm Adela Shepard. It was, um... nice meeting you-"


I turned behind, but he was already gone. He wouldn't have gone that far, so, I shouted, "It was nice meeting you Abner!"

I went inside, and called Mr. Tony, our town's only mechanic, and asked him to pick up my car. He said that it shall be ready by tomorrow evening. Good.

Long chapter, finally!


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