Chapter 2- Brokenhearted </3

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I run under the bleachers and clutch my knees to my chest and sob.

I sob about today.

I sob about everyday.

I sob about the accident.

I sob for my parents and my sister.

I sob for the empty, broken heart I have.

I sob for everything.

After a while, I rub my eyes with the back of my hand. My eyes were probably red and swollen. The bell rang and students were milling about, walking to cars, buses or walking. I must've been here for hours, school was out.  I watch from the distance. I hear some clanking on the bleachers and I whirl around, looking above to see if anyone was climbing on the bleachers. I see two figures. I tense, ready to run. They head up higher on the bleachers and when I'm almost directly below them, I realize it's Liam and Zayn. Hmmm. I guess Zayn joined in with the populars. Great.


Now I have one more person ganging up against me. I look back up at them. They were sitting on the bleachers, talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I look around, I need to get out of here. I crawl out from all the beams and run away, trying to be as quiet as possible.


Busted. I sigh and turn around. I've had hardly gotten a yard away from them. Zayn starts walking down the bleachers with Liam close behind him. What did they want now? Oh wait, I know. maybe slap me or insult me. You never know.

I look up at the sky and gray clouds. It's probably going to start raining soon, I thought subconsciously. I look back at Zayn and Liam and feel a raindrop fall on my nose.

Another drop.


Another and Another drop.

Pip pitter patter. It was now pouring. I start to walk away from them. Avoid the drama when you can, right? And the downpour....

"Cassie?!" I heard Zayn call again. I groan and turn around. He catches up to me.

"What?" I ask bitterly. I've had enough for one day haven't I?


Seriously? All this trouble for a simple 'hi'? I shrug, annoyed with today. I just want to get to the hospital before my sister has to go through a chemo thing today.

"Hello Zayn...and Liam." I say as Liam joins. He nods his head as a greeting.

"Alright. Well it's cold, wet and I'm sad and I really must be going. Bye." I say and walk away. After a couple steps, someone grabs my wrist. I flinch and struggle to get out of the guy's hold. I look back and see it's Zayn. I widen my eyes, scared. Was he going to beat me? I stare at his hand that's still on my wrist and he lets go. I look back at him.

"Where 'ya going?"

"Yeah, like you'd like to know." I said bitterly. He tilted his head to the side a little and scrunched up his eyebrows. I felt his warm eyes staring into mine, expecting answers, searching them. I feel uncomfortable under his gaze and shift, checking the time on my phone.

"I really need to go. Now."

He nods, "Okay then, I'm coming with you."

"WHAT?" I screech. He can't come with me! Will he just bully me? What will happen once we're at the hospital? Will he make even more fun of me and my family's imperfections?

"I'm going to figure you out what ever it takes." He says, lightly grabbing a hold of my hand. I yank it away from habit. I instantly regret it when I see his expression, but only for a second because he's guarded again.

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