But sometimes, the dream would get romanitc. Where we act as if we're together, whether it was simple gestures like holding my hand, or something much much more extreme than just holding hands. But always before anything actually happens, usually before a kiss, I would wake right up. I didn't call these dreams. I called them nightmares.

It's like my subconscious hates me. It's taunting me and mocking me about Louis. It knows how much I care about Louis, and how much I want Louis. But it continues to pick at me.

"What's your favourite book?" He asks.

"Wringer." I answer.

"Of course, I should've known that. You read that book everyday." He says.

We're in his room. He's laying on his back on the bed, with his feet dangling off of the sides. I'm sat on the edge of the bed, with my hands awkwardly on my lap. Music was playing. I think it's by people called the Arctic Monkey's? Whoever that is, Louis liked them a lot.

I liked how his room is set up. He didn't have much. He had a dresser, and atop the dresser are 5 CDs, and a stereo. Next to the dresser was a mini keyboard.

"When's your birthday?" He asks.

"February 1st."

"Hm, not much later than mine huh?" He says sitting up on the bed.

"No, I guess not." I mumble.

"You know, you don't have to be so, um...Conservative." What does that even mean. "Just because it's my room doesn't mean you have to withhold yourself. You can lie down if you would like, but if you'd rather just sit then you may sit."

"I'd rather sit." I don't want to get too close to him. If I do, I might not be able to restrain myself from him.

"Well, alright." He says lying back down on the bed. "Yes I love this song! Can you turn it up?" I stand up to do as he's asked. Once the music's louder Louis starts to sing along quietly.

(Song's on the side, have fun reading.)

"Have you got colour in your cheeks? Do you ever get that fear that you can't shift. The type that sticks around like something in your teeth? Are there some aces up your sleeve?"

Even though Louis's singing quietly, he has a beautiful singing voice. He can really sing. Once the song continues, I start to realise how much I relate to it.

"Have you no idea that you're in deep? I dreamt about you nearly every night this week. How many secrets can you keep? 'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow and I play it on repeat until I fall asleep, spilling drinks on my settee."

"(Do I wanna know) If this feeling flows both ways?"

I don't.

"(Sad to see you go) Was sort of hoping that you'd stay.

"(Baby we both know) That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day

"Crawling back to you."

"Ever thought of calling when you've had a few?

'Cause I always do

Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new

Now I've thought it through"

"Crawling back to you"

"So have you got the guts? Been wondering if your heart's still open and if so I wanna know what time it shuts. Simmer down and pucker up. I'm sorry to interrupt. It's just I'm constantly on the cusp of trying to kiss you.

"I don't know if you feel the same as I do But we could be together if you wanted to"

"Hey do you play piano?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I actually do." He says getting up, so he's sitting next to me. He was dangerously close so I got up.

"Can you play something for me?"

"Sure." He stands up, first turning down the music, than walking towards the keyboard. "Any requests?"

"Whatever you want." I say. He thinks about it for a minute, then he puts his hands on the keys. Once he starts playing, I'm shocked. The shock's not because he played something extremely hard or difficult, but because it wasn't anything except for the one and only.

Moonlight Sonata.

It was as beautiful as it was years and years ago when my dad use to play it for me. He played it slowly and with grace. He was never off beat, and he never missed a note, or played a wrong one my mistake. It was perfect.

Just like he was.

"I learned it when I was about in Year 7 or maybe Year 8." He says once he's done.

"Tha-that was beautiful." I whisper.

"Really? I haven't played it since..." He drifts off. I want to ask since when but I don't pry.

"Well, I better get going." I say.

"Alright. Do you want a ride home?" He asks as always.

"No it's okay. Here's your jumper back." I say while taking it off.

"Wear it if you'll be walking home. I don't want you to get sick." He says.

"Alright. Thanks."

"No problem." He says. "I'll walk you out."

We step down the creaky stairs. Once we reach the bottom, Daisy and Phoebe attack me with a hug from both right and left.

"Don't go please!"

"Don't leave yet!

"Stay! Stay!"

They both cheer and yell.

"I'm sorry girls, but I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Fine." Phoebe says as they both let go.

"Bye Haz." Louis says.

"Bye Louis." I blush.


I open the door to the house. I never need keys because the door is always unlocked. It really should be though, because we live in the sketchiest neighbourhood in Holmes Chapel. Or Cheshire. Or maybe even all of England.

When I walk in Robin's sitting there on the sofa, actually awake for once

"Where have you been?" He asks, turning the telly off.

"Just...out." I lie.

"Out? With who?"

"I-I never said there was a-a who, j-just that I was o-out."

"Don't be smart with me!" He yells. "What are you doing while you're 'out'?"

"I-I don't know, I ju-"

"What the hell do you mean you don't know?!" He steps closer to me. He's a short, stubby man, but I'm even shorter and his body towers over me. "Alright, since you 'don't know' and you keep giving me goddamn smart ass answers, you can't go 'out' anymore."

"What?!" I yell

"I said you can't go out anymore! And I mean it. You go to school, and your ass better be back in this house by 15:40 (3:40PM) or else." His face was so close to mine. If I wasn't so scared, I wouldn't listen to him at all. "Got it?" I nod my head vigorously.


But Robin!! Harry has to hang out with his bae!

Some people just don't understand!

btw when I said "or something much much more extreme than just holding hands", I didn't mean sexually. This harry's too innocent for that lol. Sorry to crush your dirty, directioner, larry minds! lol

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