Chapter 11

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I really really like this chapter, mainly the beginning. The ending is absolute crap sorry.

What is your favourite 1D song??

I love Happily, like you don't understand....YOU DON'T UNDERSTAAAAND.

sorry, okay, I'm calm. The crazies come with the fandom.

Larry will start actually happening!! yay!



Harry's POV

Louis and I have hung out every single day for the last two weeks. Before school. After school. Lunch. Weekends. We'd always go to Louis's house. We would do homework, study, watch the telly, (I think we were watching Doctor Who?) and just talk.

We'd sometimes go into the tree house too. He knew all the things in there were mine and not to touch them. He'd bring up food like candy and such when we went in there. I didn't eat much. I would have maybe one or two pieces. Sometimes it was chocolate, sometimes it was sweet, and sometimes it would be so sour my face out tighten up.

We would also take the girls to the park. They all wore jumpers, while I had my thin white tee shirt. "Aren't you cold?" He would ask.

"I'm fine. I can handle the cold." I told him. Then he gave me his jumper. I tried not to take it, but he said he would stop talking to me if I didn't. I'm not sure if he actually meant that he wasn't going to talk to me if I didn't, (Which would be a very silly reason to stop talking to someone) but I took it after that.

Today when we went to the park after we picked up the girls, he gave his jumper again. I made the girls flower crowns, and they loved them. While Louis and I were on the bench, watching the girls play on the playground, I fell asleep at some point, I'm not sure when but I did. Later, when I started to wake up, I felt like I was on a bumpy ride. When I tried to open my eyes, I heard Louis say,

"Shh, Shh, go back to sleep love." In a hushed whisper in my ear. That's when I realised Louis was carrying me. I'm pretty sure I turned as red as a tomato, but I didn't care. I did as was told and went back to sleep, smiling.

Love. He called me love.

I've driven with Louis to pick up the rest of the girls. He's never dropped me off, I went to his place later, than I would walk home. He's told me that he could drive me home, but I said no. He told me he should because it's a long way, but if Robin knew he'd kill me. This is one thing he has offered that he has let me turn down.

During lunch he'd give me some of his food because I never brought any. I felt bad as to taking his food, but he insisted. He insists a lot.

I still haven't seen or met Louis' parents, which I am glad for. What if they're mean and don't like me, and tell Louis he can't hang out with me anymore? What would I do after that? Go back to the horrible shit life I was living before?

It's torture being friends with Louis when he's giving me his jumper and still calling me Haz or Hazza when I want him to be mine. His smile is the brightest thing on earth. When he smiles at me I can't help but to blush. And his deep ocean blue eyes. I can't look at them for too long because once I do, I start to stare.

I've dreamt about him each for the last week. Sometimes it would be just us being our normal selves. We just in the park, or in his room, or in the tree house, or his backyard. The girls were never with us in my dreams. Niether was Robin or Brad or anyone else. Just me and Louis, like no one else existed.

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