Chapter 13

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Sirisha used her one hand.To push Vicky.Who was kissing her.She have gone breathless.Looking at him with angry eyes.She held her collar.Vicky got stiff for second.Expecting slap from her.It was when she left him.With her eyes tearing up.He stood blank to it.Didnt get her reaction.Advay picked up bag.Feeling embarrassed to witness.Such scene.

Sirisha wiped her eyes.Somehow and caught Advay's arm.Leaving with him from there.Vicky glared at both of them.He wiped his lips.Which still had taste of her.Sweet gloss.He didnt knew why he.Went for kiss.When he didnt intend to.

A-"Siri are you okay.

Im sorry.I shouldnt have disturbed you.Both and moment."

S-"Are you mad Advay

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S-"Are you mad Advay.What moment.

That idiot.Has to spoil.Everything."

A-"No I mean.He is same Vicky.

Whom you told about.I mean he is."

S-"Reason for whom.Im pregnant.

Yes.Tell me why does it.Take so much time.For you people.To say that.

Take me home."

Advay nodded to her.He was in fix.Confused about relationship.Between her and Vicky.He needed to know better.They reached her house.She went inside.Making him follow her.With bags and Harish looked at them.She stormed to her room.Advay gave sheepish smile to Harish.

H-"What happened."

A-"Nothing Uncle.She is bit disturbed."


Is she alright."

A-"She is.She met.

Vicky today and he.Kissed her."

Harish widened his eyes.Sirisha heard from her room.What Advay told.She didnt knew.How he would end up.Being fool.Blurting it out to her father.She was fuming.Men were plain idiots.She felt him at door.Of her room.

A-"Siri.Are you alright."


You made it better.For me."

A-"What.I didnt get you."

S-"you had to tell this.

To Dad.Whatever happened.Tell me Advay.

You are my childhood friend.Or my father's reporter.Have been here for week.Take me out.Spend time with me.

Then what.Report everything to him?"

A-"Siri you are taking it wrong.We shouldnt hide.

Anything from our parents.He is worried for you.I was being genuine."

S-"Yeah I can see that.

Please leave me alone.I need.To get some rest."

She caught her head.Felt her lips.Remembering the kiss.She could feel his lips.It lasted for few seconds.But she felt.Numb and was lost in thought.When Advay came too close to her.Scaring her off.

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