Chapter 10

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Sirisha sat down again on bench.Vicky didnt knew to stay back.Or leave it was late.He wanted to go to office.So that he could divert himself.He passed hand back of his hair.Glancing at Sirisha.She was still there.He felt weird to chat with her.He coughed times to grab her attention.She frowned making a face.

S-"Go home and get some cough syrup.

Dont disturb me.Idiot."

V-"What did you call me.

Do you think you.Own this place.I will sit here.You cant order me."

He sat on same bench.Making her scrunch her nose.Soon she started coughing.Catching her belly.She forgot to bring her water bottle.Not allowing Vasu Amma to be with her.Came alone by herself.Vicky hesitated to help her.He scratched his head.Then went nearby.After few seconds Sirisha raised her eyes.Find bottle of water.She took ti without seeing person.Had water and felt relaxed.


V-"Its okay.

Keep bottle with you."

She heard his voice.Frowned seeing his attitude.He cleaned dust from.His jeans and found her.Glaring at him.


Im not bad.You see.Its ok to help thirsty person."

S-"You wont ever know.Im thirsty for what."


S-"What what.

You dont speak.Your voice annoys me."

V-"Listen you."

He stopped seeing her.Eyes tearing up.She hid her tears.From him proving herself strong.Then took out chocolate.From her bag.Having it.He gaped at her.With big mouth.Why was she behaving crazy.

S-"Im sorry.

I know I behave like.Mad girl.Rude and arrogant.But I cant help it.

Life has always been shit for me.Never did good to me.What I want.Gets snatched from me.First Mom then now.My baby."

She bit her lips.Controlling urge to burst out into tears.Vicky felt goosebumps.When he heard her talking.About her baby.Belonged to him too.he wanted to tell her.What came at back of his mind.His silence made her.Look at him.She cleaned her face and nose.Making noise.The chocolate was big bar.Something brought smile on Vicky's face.

V-"Life is like that.We have to let go.

Anger and misery.If you wish to.Stay happy you can.Drop the sadness."

S-"I would have.But you came on my way.

Spoiled everything.That one night."

V-"Excuse me.What did I do.I mean Whats my fault.

If you couldnt control your hormones.It was mutual."

They didnt realize slowly.Gap between them.Was bridging away.Both felt better.Breaking awkward silence.Sirisha had chocolate on her mouth.Talked gulping it down.

S-"All men are same.Cant understand how girl feels.How difficult it is.

For her to face whole world.Alone when you get to know.You are pregnant.With someone.Whose name you dont know."

Vicky realized what she said.He kept mum for second.then spoke.Looking at her.

V-"Sirisha.If you want I can.

Say sorry but.Do you blame me.For whatever happened.In any way.I didnt knew.

What made you keep this baby.When you didnt try to.Find me or.Stayed to meet me.That morning.

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