Chapter 8

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Hairsh was served coffee.Sitting at Naren's office.Jwala entered making them wait.For an hour being late.He apologized and took a seat.Harish and Naren were clueless.As to what this meeting.Was called for.

N-"Jwala what is it.Why did you arrange.

This meeting."

H-"Do you think.We have anything left.To discuss.

After how our.Children behaved.That day.Iam sorry Naren garu.For my daughter's behavior.But she was never.Like this.Rough and sharp tongue.dont know what got into her."

N-"No need to apologize.I understand Harish Garu.Fault lies on.My son.He can never act responsible.He should be one.Convicing Sirisha and.he is being stubborn."

Jwala rolled his eyes.Hearing both fathers.Venting their heart out.He broke his silence.

J-"Can I speak.

If you are done."

Harish and Naren.Looked at each other.Giving a nod.

N-"Speak Jwala.

You better not waste our time."

J-"Dont underestimate me Naren Bava.Hear me out first.

So I have solution to this problem.Facing with kids."

H-"What solution?"

J-"Get them married."

N-"I knew.You are impossible.

So what were we trying.For till now.Idiot."

J-"Let me complete.So a little bit change.Would be.

Here according to my plan.We have to take Vicky and Sirisha.To stage of wedding.Where they would be willing.To tie knot.With each other.With consent."

H-"How is that going.To happen?"

Jwala straightened his collar.Naren rolled his eyes.Harish was getting hopes.

J-"Thats part.Of my plan too.

These kids are running from marriage.Because they dont know.What it is about.yet and are scared.To face it.What if we.Give them chance.To experience and understand.The real value of relationship."

N-"Jwala dont ask me.To fall into your trap.I cant go with your dumb experiments.Harish garu we better drop.idea."

H-"No.On second thoughts.I think we can.Go ahead with this.Whatever he is saying.

Sounds good."

J-"Naren Bava he is also agreeing.Let me tell you.My ideas never fail.Remember when Vicky was caught.Smoking first time.How I handled him and."

Jwala stopped.Getting glare from Naren.Harish was still busy.In thoughts.

N-"Okay what you are saying.Can be done.But how.

I mean.Do you think.They will listen to.Us let it giving chance.Both are stubborn."

J-"This stubborn attitude.Will help us.

To bring them closer.Watch for it."

Vicky was furious.Standing with his hand on cheek.Where Sirisha slapped.A while ago.she was flaring her nostrils.At him her face.Gone red with anger.He caught her hair.In anger and was about to pull it.When she did same.

V-"You arrogant.Girl how dare you.

Slap me."

S-"What about you.Have you seen your face.

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