Chapter 12

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Same night Vicky came home.Drunk with bottle on hand.Drinking.One of his friends dropped him home.He stood at entrance of his home.Naren did see him.But he remained in his room.Jwala balanced Vicky.Finding him stumbling on his steps.

Finding him stumbling on his steps

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V-"Mama.Hello.Still waiting.

You love me most.Mama and be best.I wish Dad also.Was like you."

Jwala looked at Naren.Standing outside his room.With arms crossed.He wasnt pleased.To see his son in that state.He closed door.getting inside.Jwala had to take Vicky.To his room.He was heavily drunk.Not properly in senses.

V-"Why are you not saying.Anything Mama.

Tell me.I want to have fun.I feel bored.With tension.Sadness in life."

Jwala put him on his bed.Getting rid of his shoes.He breathed.Sat on bed.Glaring at Vicky.he giggled and hugged him.If there was one person.He would trust to share.Everything.Understands him.Jwala Mama was friend for him.

J-"Whats wrong with you.Vicky.Look at yourself.

Why are you doing this.Why did you drink.Got this high.

NarenBava will be.Angry again."

V-"When doesnt he get angry.

Always after my life.Every other person.Is trying to.Change me.Ruin my life."

J-"I see.Who are they."

V-"Dont know Mama.First Dad.With his discipline.Life lecture.

Then that Priyamwada.You saved me from.her Mama I love you.

Then that long nose.Girl with amazing lips.Siri.Doesnt she look cute.

Like Winnie the Pooh."

Jwala watched him.With serious face.he touched his head.Vicky snuggled to him.What would he do.To make this boy.Understand his own heart.Every step was getting difficult.

J-"Sirisha.You like her?"

V-"She is.Sexy Mama."

Jwala glared at him.Vicky covered his mouth.Started again.Talking about how.he admired her courage.Beauty and she was like him.After while he was resting head.On Jwala's lap.

J-"If you like her this much.She has every quality.

Similar to you.Why dont you marry her.Vicky."

V-"Marry.Mama tell me.Why do people marry.

Get involved in this.Lifetime business."

J-"Because its a bond.Promising love for life time.

One cannot live.Alone for whole life.Needs someone.Otherwise life becomes.

Too long."

V-"I want long life.

Whats harm.Even Siri wanted.But her father.My father.Are giant monsters.

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