Chapter 1

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Aria P.O.V.

'Fuck you too asshole.' I mutter under my breath as one of the two guards pushes me forward keeping his hand on my shoulder while I basically notice him eye raping me from behind. Fucking pervert is in his forties or older.

I yank my shoulder away from him and enter my room slamming the door shut behind me. I stay near the door making sure the guards have reached a safe distance away from my room before I scurry to the small desk behind my bed and pull out the third drawer from the bottom. There I find all the plans I have been building up on for the past few years, slowly and carefully planning every step. I proceeded to sprawl all the designs I created to resemble a map along with notes about everything that would be useful across the floor. Before getting down to finalizing everything I grab a packet of cigarettes and light one up but not before making sure I have enough left for the main course of my plan. I will explain everything soon but first give me a second.

Before continuing I close my eyes and focus on the particles that create the air around me, imagining them pressing together pressuring into each other turning into a solid form, something similar to a barrier around me. Opening my eyes again I start grinning at my success as I see a that a greyish transparent bubble had formed around me in a matter of seconds. I smoke my cigarette slowly, shrinking the bubble around the smoke as I near the end of it. I close my hand with the remains of it along with the ash inside as I concentrate on dissolving all of it into tiny pieces of atoms that are basically invisible to the human eye and smear them along the current tiny bubble filled with smoke, making the atoms form a part of it. Once finished, I direct it to the air vent while I slowly split it in tiny pieces and divert them in random directions so to not get caught. One isn't exactly allowed to buy cigarettes and smoke one whenever here. How I got them? Pickpocketing obviously, and I have to say I got quite good at it over the years. By now I have probably put you in a state where you are mind fucked so let me inform you a little bit and get you somewhat up to date with the important stuff.

My name is Aria and I just closed nineteen years a few weeks ago! Today is a very special day though ladies and gents. Why? It's because I'm finally getting out of this fucking hell hole after so many years of carefully planning and designing my escape! You see by now you probably guessed that I'm not 'normal' like most of you. Though a lot of people call me a freak, weirdo, monster, blah, blah, blah... I rather like to call myself.. Just another human being with extra abilities. I can't explain to you exactly what my abilities are as if I'm being honest I find new things about what I can do all the time. Though I guess you can mainly round it up to the atoms that make up the air, I can sort of control them, change matter from one form to another, but even apart from that I have been finding out about more things as time goes by such as the fact my physical power has increased greatly when I turned nineteen. Reason? I don't know but I am planning to find out as soon as I get out of here.

I only remember a little bit from when I was younger but I remember enough to know that I wasn't born here. I'm also not the only one being kept here but I can't help the others like me just yet. All I got till now is how to get out of this stupid ass prison but as they prefer to call it 'the institute'. I have kept my newly developed strength a secret till now but they will soon find out if I fail at getting out today. They have experimented on me ever since I can remember. I'm only a lab rat in their eyes, all I get is food and a room with some tools to get by and pass the time when I'm not forced to do things for them. No more social interaction then needed and underwatch day and night. What they don't know is I have been practising and honing my skills by myself. No they aren't idiotic enough to not monitor me in my room. They have two cameras planted on the the roof and three hidden ones. They also developed some kind of wristbands that restrain most of my power, but not fully. As you can guess, I found a way to totally outsmart them over the years. I have failed plenty of times and got caught but I never stopped trying, they think I gave up now after so many years but they are dead wrong. I can cause the restraints on my arms to expand by freezing the temperature around the atoms enough to squeeze my hands through without breaking them and returning them to their normal state afterwards in hind sight of the camera. Which is basically pretending to nap and working my magic under the covers. My next brilliant idea was creating a mirage in the room to keep the cameras fooled as I planned everything in secret. They have thought me a lot about science and nature as having more knowledge about them would allow me to explore my abilities further- and I have. Only I never let them on to how much I really know what I can do.

Now enough explanations for now. It's game time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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