#95: The Dragon Sanctuary and The Bewilderbeast

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They were treated onto a soothing hot bath. The girls and boys were separated, of course.

Most of them have finished and was now drying their hair as Momo distributed clothing for them all when Nagisa came out from bathing.

They all stood rigid as they looked at him.

Nagisa looked uncomfortable as he had the towel positioned higher on his back, so the horizontal top edge of the towel is at the height of his armpits. The usual way a girl would wrap their body with a towel, basically.

Karma knew he shouldn't; but as usual, he couldn't resist. "Are you positively sure you aren't a girl, Gisa?"

Uraraka, Kayano and Izuku launched the redhead into the sun.

"Okay, now that that's over with", Kayano gave of a warning vibe that made them all back away. "Ms. Valka, where are we going?"

Valka sweatdropped. "Well..."

Cloudjumper hummed as he went out the door to stretch his wings. Valka followed the dragon and turned back to the younger occupants of the hut. "You'll see when we get there."

They all exchanged confused looks.


A flight with them riding on Frank in dragon form, Roman riding Toothless (because he's the only one there who knows how), Nagisa riding Pale and following Valka, they arrived at some kind of dragon sanctuary in a mountain.

"Holy ****", Katsuki gasped as he looked around and took in the sight.

The mountain is comprised solely of hexagon and polygon basaltic formations. There were iconic rock pillars and, because the mountain sits in a volcanic region, the area is still geologically active, resulting in a great number of hot springs.

The thermal activity paired with the ice roof creates an unusually warm climate compared to the surrounding area. Shouto could clearly feel it.

Inside the ice-roofed caldera, though, exists many plant species that Okuda has trouble recognizing (and that's saying something) from the green lichen that cling to the basaltic rock, to the ferns that have established a foothold in the relatively flat plateaus, steps, and cliffs.

These plant species are fed by the mineral-rich water from the hot springs and thrive because of the warm, moist climate within the mountain, or at least that's what Annabeth speculates. Other features of the mountain include cliffs, caves, waterfalls and a large pool of seawater in the center that a giant dragon that looks like the king lives in.

"Welcome to the Dragon Sanctuary, home of the Great Bewilderbeast!", Valka beamed.

"Woah...", they all breathed out.

Karma ran over to a dragon that has a rounded body and a big head. "Oi Roman, do you know what species he is?"

Roman sweatdropped. "We-...actually haven't discovered that."

A basin fell on Karma's head, as per usual.

"Oh, that's a Snafflefang", Valka explained. "From the Boulder class."

Uraraka giggled and hugged the dragon. In turn, the dragon nuzzled her and gave her the dragon version of a hug, too. "You're so cuuttee!!"

Eri tried to hesitantly reach out to a Terrible Terror--

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