19 | Someone Like Her

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"It's someone from Varjot," Noah said as soon as Xavier picked up the call. After last night, it became crucial to find out who the person Lydia had told him about was. All other things, such as Noel, had been put to a halt.

For a moment, Xavier wondered if it had been Noel Lydia had been talking about. However, he'd seen closely how repulsed and afraid she looked as she talked about her encounter with the man. It couldn't be him.

"What do you mean?" Xavier asked, putting down the receiver so Rafa could listen in. 

The man had not slept all night, working with their team to retrieve the CCTV footage from the university reception. They hadn't been successful. In the end, they had to try Noah Crawford III. 

While it was a surprise that Xavier's team had not been able to do something, it was a bigger surprise that Noah hadn't been able to help too. There was rarely anything the man couldn't do.

"The footage is completely wiped and yet there is no evidence it has been tampered with. We know of only two organisation who is able to pull something like this."

 It could not be someone from the Visconti family. So that only left them with Varjot.

"I'll have to contact Daichi."

"Not Alexander?" 

Xavier paused, mildly surprised at his friend's attempt at a joke. They were as rare and Emma going to sleep on time. 

"I actually called him yesterday to speak with Theodore. He was in the same class as Lydia in school."

"Not Miss Miller?"

Xavier rolled his eyes. Still, he couldn't help but remember the good parts of last night. 

My dearest friend.

Was he going insane? She'd put him in a friend zone. Not even a generic friend zone – a dear friend zone – which meant it'll be even harder to get out of that. Apart from her, everyone seemed to know Xavier liked her. It wasn't everyday he was renting out his multi-million dollar apartment to people in need. It wasn't everyday he was sending out his security personnel to pick people up from university, to buy groceries and to make sure they had everything they could possibly need.

And yet, he couldn't help but feel content. He was the one she felt safe with. Lydia was changing for the better around him and he couldn't help but be proud. He knew she came with secrets; yesterday night had been a testament of that. But she trusted him enough to privy him to that information. Information not even Brandon and Christopher knew about.

Come to think of it, those two were useless fucks. How could they not know something was wrong after months of friendship?

"We're friends," he said easily into the phone, knowing Noah won't demand more information. The main reason both men were friends was because of how much they valued their privacy. "I need to ask for another favor."

"It's the least I can do," Noah responded. 

"Find out how many Noels exist in Varjot who went to Upper Midlands Grammar school in the same years as Lydia."

"I'll get back to you once I have everything."

Xavier looked at Rafa as he hung up the phone.

"I was at the Crawford residence this morning. They haven't missed anything."

Xavier nodded, "Is Emma gone?"

"This morning. She was eager to be able to go back to the zoo. Miss Miller looked disappointed she couldn't accompany her but I'm mature enough to not let her know you'd arranged this so you could get her alone."

Xavier narrowed his eyes at his bodyguard, "The next time you use that word, I'll be sure to let Noah know you're planning a wedding with–"

"Okay," Rafa interrupted. "Understood."

Xavier nodded tersely. It'd sounded like he wanted Emma out of the way. That wasn't the case. Not entirely...

The toddler had slowly wormed her way into his heart. In some ways, she reminded him of Christopher and Cairo. She was intelligent, witty and fiercely protective of her mother. Xavier had no doubt she'd grow up to be someone admirable and make her mother proud. Hell, with how fond he and his family had become of her, Xavier was sure he'd be proud too. His father, a man who'd maintained a distance from his own children until they could form a complete sentence, called frequently to ask for updates on Emma. Cairo and Christopher doted on her. Brandon had named himself Emma's godmother which Xavier was not entirely sure accurate. 

"I'll be back in time for the Zschokke meeting," he informed Rafa as he stood up. 

Lydia was probably busy with her exam preparation – the reason why she couldn't go with Emma and Esme – but they had been interrupted last night by an angry toddler.

He smothered the urge to tap his foot as the elevator took him to the 27th floor. He did not like the newfound impatience he had when it came to seeing her. It was one thing to like a woman but Lydia seemed to be affecting his whole being. He was sure that would not suffice. He had to look for a balance. Never had he let someone outside of his family affect him this much.

"Xavier," her soft voice interrupted his thought process.

Fuck the balance.

"Good morning," he couldn't help but let a tiny smile come across his lips.

She wore a jumper and sweats. Her hair were pulled up in a messy bun and if he looked closely, there was a red pen mark on her cheek. It would be devastatingly embarrassing of him to admit he found her beautiful like this.

"Come in, please. I'm having breakfast. Would you like some?"

It made him satisfied that she was eating. But then he frowned. "It's almost noon. You still haven't eaten?"

Her smiled dimmed a little at his scolding tone before she gave a tiny shrug. "I was revising."

"Empty stomach doesn't help with memory," he pointed out as they sat down in the kitchen. 

He could see her books and notes scattered around the living room. It seemed like the coffee table was being used as a study table instead. The familiarity of this apartment made his penthouse look cold. He brought his attention back to her.

"I can't come up with a well prepared excuse when you look at me like that. Can you please look away again so I can form something?"

She looked so genuinely serious that a chuckle escaped him. His eyes softened before he gently took her hand in his. She was freezing. So he took both of her hands and encased them in his. 

"What I meant to say was," he began, lowering his voice, "that you should eat something before revising. Please, Lydia."

The shudder did not go unnoticed by him and he smiled wider. When did these little things mean so much?

"Okay, Xavier." She tilted her head before smiling. "Would you like to have breakfast with me?"

"Absolutely." He'd already eaten. In fact, he had a schedule. But he couldn't say no. 

Not when she looked so excited pouring cereal and milk into a bowl decorated with cartoon characters.


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