5 | Someone Like Her

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The next payment was due today

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The next payment was due today. This afternoon, in fact. Same time and same place. She had her final exam on vector calculus before she'd be allowed to leave the lecture hall.

Why the fuck did he know what her exam was on? Hell, why wasn't he sending Rafa or Tony to collect the money?

Why was he here?

It seemed like Tony had the same questions as him from the way he kept staring at him through the rear view mirror. Rafa, on the other hand, was too preoccupied on his phone to notice that they'd even arrived.

Or at least, he was good at pretending.

"If you want to keep your eyes," Xavier said calmly the third time he felt eyes on him, "keep them glued to the road in front of you."

"Sorry, Sir." His apology seemed sincere enough. Tony had joined them a few years back. He was the same age as Christopher and as much as Xavier hated to admit it, the man had quickly climbed the ranks to become one of the best in Xavier's circle.

"I can see Noel," Xavier muttered after a while. "He's not with Ken."

Tony laughed. "They hate each other."

Noel van Doren came close to being Xavier's favourite nephew. Despite being a close knit family, there were only a few relatives that did not make him feel the need to fake an aneurysm in order to to avoid having to talk to them. Noel was one of them.

Kendal van Doren, however, was a nephew he wanted to avoid at all costs. The guy was a bastard and he rarely made an effort to hide it. That was why he would make a great addition to Varjot. Xavier did not care what happened to him as long as he didn't sully the Visconti name.

"Call him over," he ordered, leaning back in the leather seat as he looked at his watch once more.

He'd reasoned that they should come here half an hour before she would come out just to make sure she didn't make a run for it. That had, of course, been a fib.

Ever since he'd dropped her off at her house, there was an unease on his mind. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

We're hoping she'll stop then.

What did she mean by 'we'? Was there someone else in the house? They hadn't found anyone during their search. Not her nor anyone else. So clearly they had missed something. Who else was she referring to?

Before he could ask Rafa, the back door was already opening. Noel climbed in with a small smile before he greeted Xavier.

"Here to see me?" he joked but his eyes told a different story. They were dim.

"You wish," Xavier replied casually, watching as his nephew opened the mini fridge and took out a bottle of juice.

Did she like juice? What kind of beverage did she prefer? She hadn't finished her food that night. He should've—

"So why are you here?" His nephew interrupted  his thoughts before he could make a fool out of himself.

He just needed to get laid. Work had been so hectic lately that he was losing it over someone who was potentially bad news.

"Someone owes us," he answered vaguely, deliberately leaving out further details for his nephew's sake.

Noel wanted nothing to do with the Visconti business and Xavier respected that. Not everyone was okay with doing the things they had to do to get where they were today.

"I always had a feeling our vice principal meddled in some shady business," Noel nodded, making Tony snicker.

"Unless your vice principal has a killer body and looks like a sweetheart, you've got the wrong person."

Xavier wasn't even sure it was normal to feel the flash of rage that blinded him momentarily. "You're on your last warning, Tony."

Rafa looked up from his phone before giving Xavier a look. Even Noel looked uncomfortable.

Xavier sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll see you later, Noel."

His nephew mumbled a goodbye before he jumped out of the car so fast, it was a miracle there was no smoke.

"She's coming," Rafa said after a few minutes, making Xavier snap his head towards the direction of the building.

As always, her head was cast downwards. She wore the same jacket and shoes from the first time he'd laid eyes on her. And just like before, she was able to come directly towards his car without looking up.

"Don't touch her," he ordered before he could stop himself.

Rafa paused before opening his door and stepping out. He said something to her before he opened the back door.

Xavier had wanted to take another car today because she had trouble getting in the jeep wrangler. Now it seemed like she has trouble getting in the Range Rover as well.

"Hold onto me," he leaned forward, watching her for any sign of discomfort. "Take off your backpack... yes, good. That's easier, isn't it?"

She nodded and he wanted to smile. When was the last time he'd willingly wanted to smile?

"I have the next payment," she spoke in hushed tone, as if she hadn't spoken in a while. "I had exams so... it's—it's not..." she trailed off, a look of nervousness on her face before she opened her backpack.

She was using a safety pin to keep it closed. He didn't get it. Why—

The envelope she pulled out was the same one Cairo had given to her that night. Except, now it looked thicker. She pulled out a small plastic bag next with—

"Are those tips?" Xavier couldn't help the harshness his tone carried. "Are you being serious right now?"

"I've counted," she shook as she spoke, looking hesitantly into his eyes. "It's all here, sir. I'll have the final payment when—"

"Your scholarship and your pay comes in," Xavier finished, eyes narrowed. "Your aunt is supposed to pay back the money. Money she is using to make lethal drugs. Drugs which can wipe out a fucking city. I've told you and her that you do not want Varjot's involvement. If they get involved," he warned, "everyone you know will suffer. And I have a feeling you do not want that."

From the way her eyes widened and her hands trembled, Xavier got his answer.

There was someone else in that house.


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