Something's Missing, but what? (Chapter 29)

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"That's probably the most likely possibility am I right?" Amy asks for clarification.

"Most definitely...but I am more worried about who it is. The most scary thing is that the Elemental Masters are drawn together but these guys would not notice," Ku takes in a deep breath.

Amy crosses her arms and leans against he control panel. "We know that Vada kidnapped the Elemental Master of Darkness when she was born. The parents were killed," Amy glances at the teens.

"What are the chances that she ended up here on a mission? I'd say it's that chic Sasha they hang out with," Amy guesses. "It explains how she's able to do al those insane tricks without practice and nothing broken in school."

"I agree one hundred percent," Ku nods his head. He looks again at the teens and sees the teens arguing and the Captain is overpowering them. Ku takes in a sharp breath and holds down the button that lets him speak into the dome. Amy shuts down the virtual enemy.

"What are you five doing? Just the other day you all were trusting each other with your LIVES and now all you do is bicker," Ku says his temper controlled.

"Lemme explain what happened!" Urana glares at everyone. They quiet down as Urana clears her throat.

"So we all work together in the way that builds off of each other right? So I was supposed to make the blow that should've made the Captain stunned but I thought that someone else was behind me and was going to do it," Urana hushes everyone again.

"So I didn't put in that much force and that caused the Captain to get the upper hand and it started our argument," Urana finishes.

"Which is why we lost. Someone doesn't know the difference between physical and non-physical people," Owen rolls his eyes with his arms crossed. "Urana, I thought you knew."

"Well EXCUSE you. I've had just about enough of your idiocy Owen. I do know the difference between physical and non-physical!" Urana glares at him and steps closer. The two of them start arguing.

Brenton tries to stop them but ends up arguing with them as well. Alex and Ava attempt to stop them but only get themselves arguing as well.

"ENOUGH!" Ku's voice booms over the dome. "You will ALL be stuck in there fighting the Captain till you can work out your problems! Do not say anything or I WILL make the Captain become a General. You are all acting like babies, get your act together," Ku's stern voice stops them all from continuing.

Sighing, Ku turns away from the glass and starts the training again.

"They're realizing the gap between them Sensei, they're gonna question why they feel a gap when fighting," Amy looks over at them.

"Oh it is not only the gap because they are feeling without the Elemental Master of Darkness. Something is making them all like this, they are arguing more today," Ku looks again at the teens.

The same thing happened four more times and each time they all said that there should've been someone coming in after them. Ku instructs them to meditate, putting each of them in their own area.

" was chaotic," Amy shakes her head, making her way down into the dome.

"You are telling is actually insane how much they have argued today. Will they make up though is the problem," Ku follows Amy into the fake grassy plain with trees.

"Yeah, they need an understanding between each other otherwise it'll be chaotic for them," Amy agrees as she climbs up a tree. She pulls herself onto a branch, then sits on it, leaning her head and back against the tree trunk.

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