First Battle (Chapter 24)

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The arrow pierced the robot's leg. Instead of blood coming out, there were sparks and wires popping out.

"You're a robot..?" Brenton blinks, unsure if his eyes were playing tricks on him or not. The robot takes a knee, going to take out the arrow.

"Brenton! Hurry up and come here!" Ava calls out, drawing another arrow. Brenton quickly rushes onto his legs and runs over. The robot notices and tries to follow when Ava shoots the arrow to their other leg.

" aim is a lot better than I thought," Ava pats herself on the back with a grin as Brenton makes it behind her.

"It's no wonder you've got the bow and arrow," Brenton comments, hiding behind her, along with Alex, Owen and Urana.

"Come out of hiding! I can pick up your body heat...although it looks a little smushed," the robot looks over at where they were in confusion. They smack their head and turn the other way.

"Okay. I've got an arrow that'll shut it down," Ava holds out her hand and an outline of an arrow floats over.

"If they're a robot why doesn't Urana just splash him with water?" Brenton asks.

"Sensei said the tech from the Magic World is super advanced. There's no way it's NOT waterproof," Owen brings up.

"Besides, I did already splashed them plenty of times and that didn't have any affect," Urana confirms.

"Well, we're distracting the robot then?" Alex asks, putting his hand through the arrow. "Wait, doesn't it take up a lot of energy to make a customized arrow?"

"Well, lucky for us I'm just as tired as you guys are. Now let's do this!" Ava shoots away the worry.

"Ava..." Alex starts.

"We gotta go now if we want this to work," Urana summons her tessen and jumps out.

"Right behind ya," Brenton joins Urana with his sai.

"Wait up you two!" Owen summons his katana and runs out.

"We'll make sure he doesn't see you," Alex finishes.

"Alex I can't do this if you're not smiling. You do believe in me right?" Ava starts to customize the arrow.

"Darn it Ava. I do believe in ya okay? Now I'm gonna go help them," Alex smiles then with his nunchucks in hand he takes off.

Ava watches them go as she focuses on customizing the arrow. "You all need to be careful too..."

The robot's face glows as their heat vision eye works again. "Yes!" They cheer, before cursing to themselves as Brenton blows them away with a fire bomb.

"Woah dude, try not to burn this place up," Urana warns.

"Yeah don't wanna set the Orphanage on fire," Owen reminds him.

"Oh wow, that actually fixed his aim," Alex grins as Brenton successfully overpowers the robot with fire.

Ava watches anxiously, the arrow almost complete. "Just a few more minutes..." she mumbles.

"Let's see just how well these babies work!" Alex smiles as he throws one of the wooden parts at the robot, Alex and his nunchucks glow gold. A sharp knife pops out and goes towards the robot.

Being distracted by Brenton's fire, he quickly pulls back only to see a nunchuck flying at him. The robot grabs the chain part of it and swings it. Alex comes flying as the robot hits him into Brenton.

"Sorry..." Alex mumbles, rubbing his shoulders before helping Brenton up.

"For a bunch of losers, you all are persistent," the robot shakes his head while chuckling.

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