Skates and Boards (Chapter 21)

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"Ben and Brenton please head to the starting area," the announcer's voice rings over the area.

"Good luck you two!" Belle smiles and pushes the both of them forwards. Both boys stumble, almost falling.

"Jeez! I don't want to get hurt right now!" Brenton grumbles.

"You're a really big hothead ya know," Ben laughs.

"Sure, but it makes me win," Brenton replies.

"Oh? Let's see who'll get the win today."

"Sure, you know you gonna lose."

"Really? Last time I checked, I've won more competitions than you."

"Like that says anything."

"It says a lot dude."

"You got nothing on me."

"Ben and Brenton, please keep your competitive talk after the match," the announcer says, causing the audience to laugh. Chucking nervously, they both make their way to the start.

"That was embarrassing," Brenton scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. He gets into his position to take off.

"I want to compete against you when you're at your fullest, don't be a wimp, stuff like that happens," Ben waves his hand dismissively.

"Let's see you say that after I beat you," Brenton rolls his eyes and smiles, starting to focus on the ramps and turns in front of him.

"Haha, you've gotten funnier," Ben grins, also starting to focus around him, eyeing the area ahead of him.

"Go!" The announcer says after explaining rules and point process.

Ben and Brenton take off, quickly reaching the first obstacle, a pole. Ben takes it on first, sliding across it with ease with Brenton right behind him.

The next obstacle was a gap between the ramps. Ben jumps up, the skateboard spinning underneath him as he flips in the air. A series of 'oooo's' go around. Brenton jumps into the air, spinning himself in the air while his skateboard spins. They both land, Ben making a clean landing while Brenton stumbles a bit. That just cost me some points...Brenton thinks.

He hears cheering, followed by a cheerleader move by Ava and Alex. Amy shouting some pointers at him while Ku smiles and takes pictures, and both Owen and Urana holding up posters. Brenton feels himself getting pumped and a bit flustered.

He takes another push off of his foot to gain speed. Ben looks and accepts the challenge. He pushes himself forward, he reaches the ramps and starts to do flips and jumps. Brenton follows, twisting and turning and spinning.

After going through all the ramps, the two boys reach the final stage. The big jump that leads to a curved ramp which then leads to the top of the ramps, the finish line.

Ben and Brenton skate head to head. Ben jumps, doing a backflip then waving at the crowd. He lands gracefully, flying ahead. Brenton jumps, twisting and spinning with a pose that involved him looking like a superhero flying. He lands, using his hand to balance himself before catching up to Ben.

In the final stretch, Ben pushes off his foot one more time, gaining enough speed to pull ahead as he goes up the ramp and with a flip, lands gracefully on the top with his skateboard being held underneath his arm. Brenton follows, twisting backwards before catching his skateboard and landing with a spin.

"Amazing job you two! Just a moment until the results are in," the announcer says, the voice booming over the crowd. Yet no one could hear the announcer due to all the yelling and cheering. Ben and Brenton high-five each other.

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