Forced Passions (Chapter 17)

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Urana woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing. Rubbing her eyes, she grabs it, completely unaware of where she is.

"Hello?" Urana asks sleepily, getting up on one arm.

"Urana...can you please come home, we need to talk," her dad's voice comes through the phone. A confused expression takes over Urana's face. Am I not at home..? Urana thinks, she looks around and relaxes at the sight of Owen nearby.

Wait. Owen?! Is that Brenton? That looks like Alex! Is that Ava over there..? Urana's mind races as she looks at her friends.

Calm down, you guys all slept over remember! Jeez, I can't believe I forgot about that...Urana calms down then remembers that she's on the phone.

"Sure dad..." Urana's anger comes back, her calm tone clearly forced. She hangs up afterwards, feeling annoyed. She stares at the black screen, her hand gripping it tightly.

She sighs, putting the phone on the side table next to the sleeping bag she was sleeping in. Urana looks back at her friends, a smile forms on her lips as she remembers the play fight she had with Brenton last night.

Urana opens the palm of her hand, water swishes around in circles slightly above her palm. It always calmed her to use her magic in this way.

"You really find that calming don't you?"

Urana turns around at the sudden voice. She sees Owen awake and resting on his elbows. His brown black hair open and messily falling over his shoulders a bit. He has his green t-shirt on, showing his muscles that were starting to form.

"How the heck are you already getting muscles?" Urana questions, pointing at them.

"I've got super strength, Sensei said my training would make me gain muscle easier than all of you guys," Owen explains.

"Well, it won't be good if the kids at school see you with big muscles. They'll suspect something," Urana brings up.

"You've got a point...I need to get back home before my parents lose their minds," Owen grabs his hoodie. He slips it over himself and ties some of his hair up.

"Oh that's true, you've been here overnight too. Well, good luck," Urana then yawns. "With all that extra work you'll have to do."

"Well, see ya freckles," Owen gets up and heads for the door.

"See ya one eye," Urana waves back.

Owen chuckles, a smile on his face. He then leaves a note by Ava, careful to not wake her up then leaves. Waving back at Urana he then pulls his hood over his head.

"That dude," Urana shakes her head and let's out a laugh.

"I sure hope that doesn't mean that I'll be called freckles too," Brenton's voice comes from behind Urana. She turns and laughs.

"Nah, he'll most likely call you hot head. Alex, sunlight. And Ava, speedy or speedster," Urana guesses.

"Why hot head? People pick fights with me man," Brenton groans and lets his head fall right into his pillow. That makes Urana laugh again. Brenton lifts his head up a bit and pouts.

Brenton's usual auburn spikes look more flattened. A majority of his hair swayed to one side while the rest swayed the other way.

"Your hair looks nice. Not that your spikes don't," Urana quickly adds the last part, not wanting to offend him.

"I guess...I don't know. People pick fights with me more when I have my hair like this. In its natural look," Brenton sighs, grabbing the sleeping bag and crawling back into it.

Elements: Rise of The Destruction (Book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum