Coach that burns! (Chapter 6)

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"Sensei! I-I'm doing it!"

"Oh? Is that true?"

"Yes! Look here!"

"Good job Ava! You have gotten such a nice control over your magic!"

"Thank you Sensei!"

Ku walks away from Ava, looking over all 5 of the kids. Ava had managed to make air stay near her hand as a mini-tornado. "It has only been a few days but they all have good control of their magic and can use it very well," Ku smiles. The 5 were talking to each other and using their powers. Brenton looks angry and he lights up on fire. "Well...everyone except Brenton," Ku sighs.

The sound of footsteps makes everyone turn. "Ah, you have finally arrived," Ku smiles.

"Sorry, I got caught up, teacher stuff," a female voice replies.

"I recognize that voice," Alex and Brenton say at the same time.

The female steps into the light.

"Ms. Burns?!" Alex and Brenton jump.

"Nice to see you, Alex and Brenton!" Ms. Burns waves at them. "And everyone else."

"What are you doing here?!" Alex exclaims.

"Don't tell me..." Brenton's voice trails off. They both look at each other and flashbacks of their PE/Health classes flash in their minds.

"Hey! Let us in on the flashbacks!" Urana cries.

"You call THAT running?! Pick up the pace!" Ms. Burns yells, hands-on hip.

"Ha! I can run faster than everyone!" A boy boasts. That catches her attention and she walks over to him.

"You're pretty confident in your skill Max. Why don't we put it to test? You and me, race," Burns challenges.

"Heck yes! You're on!" Max agrees. They start at the start of the gym.

"Go!" Alex says and they take off...well, Ms. Burns ran ahead and won.


"She's a monster," Brenton huffs.

"Hehe, she's better than Mr. Hugh," Alex takes deep breaths.

"Anyone is better then that idiot," Brenton replies. A dark figure comes behind them. The boys slowly turn their heads.

"Who said you could take a break?! Keep running!" Ms. Burns says in a menacing voice.

"Hey! That's making me seem like a bad guy!" Ms. Burns exclaims.

"You're crazy when it comes to PE!" Brenton argues.

"Warm-up!" Ms. Burns called out. Everyone drops and does push-ups, then sit-ups, then a bunch of other moves.

"She tires us out just in the warm-up," Alex gasps.

"If you have time to talk, you have time to work out," Ms. Burns growls.

"Eek!" Both boys exclaim and start to run as fast as they can.

"Seriously? You said 'eek'?" Urana questions, not impressed.

"Hey! Let us just go through our flashbacks!" Brenton whines.

"Is this going take long? I have lessons to teach and explain why Amy is here," Ku asks, motioning to Ms. Burns.

"We're done, we're done," Brenton mumbles.

"So why is Ms. Burns here?" Alex questions.

"She is going to be helping me with your training," Ku answers.

"Does that mean that she uses magic?" Owen questions.

"Of course! I'm a fairy! The Sports Fairy that is," Amy answers with a bow.

"Really?! AWESOME!" Ava exclaims and looks like she's on cloud nine.

"Wow, that's cool," Urana smiles.

"No wonder you're such a monster when it comes to sports," Brenton shakes his head.

"That's rude!" Amy whines.

"I think it's pretty lit," Alex says, looking excited.

"Was that a pun...? Although I have to's pretty cool that you're a fairy," Owen adds.

"See? They don't think it's weird!" Amy smiles at Ku.

"I never said they would think it is weird," Ku replies.

"Anywho...let's start training!" Amy claps her hands together.

"She looks so excited," Ava mummers.

"That's the energetic, and sports-obsessed Ms. Burns for ya," Brenton says.

"Oh, by the way, you guys can call me coach! It's troubling with the formality of 'Ms. Burns'. Of course, I wouldn't mind if you called me Amy buuuuuut because of school you can't. So from here on out, I'm Coach!" Amy exclaims.

"Alrighty, Coach! Let's train!" Alex smiles.

"Bring it on!" Ava pumps her fist into the air.

"Like the spirit! Let's go!" Amy smiles back and takes out a list of workouts.

Everyone's expression read, you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me, it was also the same thought going through their minds.


By the end of today's training, everyone was exhausted. Well, everyone except Amy and Ku.

"How are you not tired?" Brenton questions, taking in many breaths.

"I am used to it," Ku answers, swinging around his staff.

"And I'm the one who came up with the workout! It's not tiring for me," Amy adds.

"Basketball seems so much easier now," Urana huffs.

"And here I thought softball was hard," Ava sighs.

"I forgot you guys play sports," Owen mentions.

"I didn't know," Alex mumbles.

"Don't you run track, Owen?" Brenton asks.

"I do," he answers.

"Oh! I need to get home, I'll see you all later!" Alex calls out as he gathers his stuff and quickly runs out.

"Curfew?" Urana questions.

"I don't know about you people, but I do have one, so I'll get going too," Owen picks up his backpack and heads out.

" they know the way out?" Amy asks.

"Yes, I showed it to them," Ku answers.

"A curfew this early?" Ava questions, while stretching her arms. Brenton and Urana shrug.

"If we got nothing else to do, I guess I'll take my leave too," Urana says and picks up her backpack.

"See ya," Ava and Brenton wave.

"Alex and Owen left in such a hurry, I didn't get to say bye," Ava mumbles.

"Everyone has their reasons," Ku reassures.

"I need to get going too, the lesson plans are waiting for ya," Amy smiles, then heads out. Brenton didn't get it.

"Wait...our first Health class is tomorrow!!!" Brenton realizes.

"Good luck," Ava calls out as Brenton rushes after Coach Amy.

"I suppose you will get going now too huh?" Ku asks.

"Yeah...I'll be back tomorrow though!" Ava waves as she also heads out. Ku waves back. Once everyone was gone, the lively room was back to being its silent self. Ku sighs, turning towards the door.

"Maybe it is best to keep to silent..after all, if it is meant to be revealed, they will find out when it is time..."

Elements: Rise of The Destruction (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن