4. New Start

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"It's not my fault you get scared easily". She laughed making me roll my eyes. "So, you didn't tell me who's Stock?"

"He's my boss, Who's apparently the CEO and the owner of the company". I shrugged my shoulders and went back to concentrating on the show, but she wasn't going to let go of it that easily. Nope.

"Wow! That's actually really impressive". She was impressed. I mean, it was impressive. He was the CEO and the owner of the company. It was a really huge deal because achieving so much at that age wasn't an easy task to do. Well, I was guessing that he was in his 20's; probably 23 or 24 years old.

"By the way, how old is he?" She wiggled her brows, it made me shake my head and sigh.

I knew she was going to ask something like that.

"Oh, my days, Sof. I don't know and who cares". I shrugged and turned back to the show.

"You care, and I care because you care". She turns on another tab on google.

"Why would I care?" I scoffed and crossed my arms. But I was still paying attention to the laptop with the corner of my eyes.

What? I was curious since I was going to work with him.

Sof read out a newspaper article out loud. "William Stock is a 25-year-old businessman who is the CEO and the owner of Stock's architects. Being both; CEO and owner of a company is not an easy job as he states, 'I am found more at my office than my own home'. His company was passed down to him after his father's death and he aims to take the company a long way".

"Wow!" She was still staring at the screen. "He is hot!"

"Sof!" I shook my head in disapproval.

"Come on. He is so perfect! He has looks and he is so successful". She lifts the laptop and keeps it near my face while I just stare at her in confusion. "I totally ship you gyz!" She exclaimed and covered my ears.

"Sof, he's my boss".

"So what?" she groaned but I just end up closing the screen.

I didn't know what she wanted to hear. I shouldn't have even been thinking about that sort of possibility because he was my boss.


That was what I kept reminding myself and tried to keep my mind off from those thoughts.

We were still in the middle of watching the show when I noticed Sofia's eyelids were closing, but she was trying to keep them open. Typical Sof.

I fake yawned and stood up while stretching. "I'm going to go bed now".

"I was waiting for this episode to finish, but we can watch it tomorrow. I'm going to turn it off and go to bed as well". She was exhausted. It looked like she was about to fall asleep on the couch.

"Don't worry about it. I'll turn it off".

"Good night". She mumbled and went off to her room.

"Night". I turned off the laptop and the lights in the living room and headed over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

I didn't know why but I couldn't get the thought of him out of my mind.

Sofias' words are starting to get to me.

My phone lit up with a notification. What does he want now? Surprisingly, it wasn't the person I was expecting it to be. It was Branden.

Hey, beautiful! I hope you haven't forgotten me already :(

Hey. I haven't.

I'm glad x

Another message was sent right after this one.

I was wondering if you would like to go out with me tomorrow, so that I could make up for what had happened today?


He seems like a nice guy. It wouldn't hurt to him a chance, right?

I wanted to stop thinking about William and that was a great way.

Are you asking me out on a date?

Most definitely x

Am I doing the right thing? I began to reconsider my decision.

But of course, It was too late.

In that case, I would love to.

That's great! I'll be there to pick you up tomorrow evening.

Just text me your address tomorrow.

I sent a quick 'ok' and made my way towards my room. While I was getting ready for bed, I was wondering about what to wear for tomorrow. I wasn't really an expert when it came to getting ready that best suited the occasion. Luckily, I had an expert with me.

I would just have to ask Sof to help me out. 

The Unintentional CollisionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant