She turned away from me and walked to the doorway before whispering. "You've done it before."


"I think we're leaving soon. So you better hurry and get ready. Unless you have other plans already to go spend it with your boyfriend." Annie said before opening her bedroom door and leaving me alone in the room, thinking of the past few minutes with her.

I messed up big time and it's my responsibility to make it up to her in only a short ten minutes to figure out how.

Annie's POV

I threw myself in the backseat beside Madison as we wait for Demi and Marissa to get in the car.

For the past fifteen minutes I've been trying to keep myself busy so I don't start bawling. Half of it is that she actually snuck around me and the majority of it is because she lied and she hid something from me. It just makes me think twice about if we really tell each other everything.

"Sorry for the wait." Demi said sliding in the drives seat.

Silence. Madison's still sorta pissed, which kind of annoys me. Why does she care? It's not her mom sneaking around and lying to her. Wilmer didn't say those things to her. Yeah, maybe that's why I hate him so much. Maybe I didn't want to remember. I hate him and that's that.

"Where are we going?" Madison asked.

"Out to eat and if you guys are still in the mood for" Marissa said.

I sunk back into my seat and rested my head on the window. As I thought of Wilmer and Demi together, I had to squeeze my eyes shut as tears blurred my vision and threatened to spill over. I can just picture them together and it makes me so mad because I hate that man so much.

And there's nothing I can do about it.


Instead of shopping, we're going to the arcade that is in the mall. Which, on a normal day, I would be ecstatic. But how can I be ecstatic and happy about being here when I feel like this? Crappy.

"At least enjoy the moment." Madison whispered to me as we pulled in the mall.

I sighed, knowing she's right and that most kids wouldn't be this upset or even mad if their parents got a boyfriend. But I can't help it. I hate him so much.

"I'll try." I said.

I wouldn't be the least surprised if we walk in and Wilmer's waiting there with a cup full of tokens.

"Look at all those paps." Marissa said scanning over the crowd from the car.

"Let's get this over with." Demi said.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car and started following Marissa and Demi to the entrance with Madison by my side.

"Demi! Over here!"

"Annie! Smile!"

"Demi is the rumors about Wilmer true?" Die.

"Annie do you like Wilmer?" Double die.


Finally, we were in the mall and the shouts from the paps were blocked out. They chose a really bad day to talk about Wilmer. It was like they knew what was going on.

"Let's take the elevator up there." Demi said.

We all nodded in agreement and started for the elevator.

"Uh, D-Demi and Annie." Someone said from behind us. We stopped dead in our tracks and spun around to see a girl a little younger then me.

"Hi!" Demi smiled.

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