21. Beautiful Sadness

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We silently change, pack up, and get on the bus. There's some chatter on the bus, but I sit alone, starting out the window. The ALDC girls' words are like daggers to the soul. I didn't leave their team, I just couldn't go to the studio. Abby was the one who kicked me out, and it was my mom's fault anyways.

After the bus drops us off at the studio, my mom drives me home. We sit in silence. I don't speak to her.

We arrive home, pulling into the garage. My mom doesn't unlock the door.

"Vivi, stop muddling. We'll get them next time."

I simmer silently. There shouldn't be a next time. This should have been a one time thing. I didn't even need to compete with the Apples.

"Mom... I want to go back to the ALDC."

My mom's face changes. "You don't want to be an Apple? Why?"

"It wasn't even my fault. It was yours. I didn't want to compete against my team!"

Mom sighs. "Well, it's not like we can do anything now."

"Yes, we can. We can go back to the ALDC and tell them what happened and Abby has to let us back!" I know it sounds impossible. But I have to be on that team.

Mom shakes her head. "You know what, after paying that horrendous tuition we might as well give it a try."

I squeal with excitement. "Thanks, mom!"

She shrugs. "But you better know that this is not a guarantee that you'll be on that team."

"I'll do it. "I tell her. I know I can prove to Abby that I deserve that spot on the team."

Vivi-Anne at the ALDCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora