1: On Route to the ALDC

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Author's Note: Vivi- Anne is the same person, but instead of being quiet and a mediocre dancer, she's now really smart and a good dancer.

We're in the car, driving from Canton, Ohio (where I live) to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. My mom heard that Abby Lee Miller from the ALDC got herself a TV show, and she's dying to be on it. Honestly, I think it's a stupid idea (sorry, mom). We live way too far away for this to work out.

Mom hits the horn. 'BEEEEEEEEEP' "What're you doing, you monster? People these days, they don't even know how to drive."

"Mom!" I say. "Stop it. I'm trying to sleep." I'm lying. The ride is 2 hours long all the way to the studio, but I'm not trying to sleep-- I'm trying to avoid my mom's horrible pep talks.

She doesn't take the bait. "Vivi, you know this is a great opportunity for you. Do you know what the word opportunity means?" she asks.

"Yes, mom." I reply. "Remember, I'm at a tenth-grade reading level. I'm pretty sure my vocabulary is as good as yours."

"Okay, Vivi, remember to smile every time you see a camera. I don't want to see you frowning once. And whenever Abby talks to you, you smile and say 'Yes, ma'am.' And remember to point your feet. And  I'll be there, so don't worry." She drones on and on. At this rate, I'm actually going to fall asleep.

"Mom, I think I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." Honestly, if something bad happens it's probably going to be my mom's fault. She can be loud and obnoxious, and I'm not saying that because she's my mom. I've seen her in the dance studio yelling at parents and being weird. But she's my mom, so I love her.

We finally get there. After two hours of sitting in the car, I'm dying to go to the bathroom. The Dance Moms producers, however, want to have a shot of my mom and I walking in. They let me use the bathroom first, before they take the shot.

My mom walks in, looking so ridiculous that it's taking all of my energy to try not to laugh. Her back is stick straight, her nose is in the air, and she's got a goofy smile on her face. She's dragging me by the hand. There's a woman at the front desk. The producers call Abby in to greet me.

"Cathy! Hi, who's this?" Abby asks, pointing to me.

Before my mom can start talking, I butt in. "Hi, ma'am. My name is Vivi- Anne Stein and I would like to try out for your competition team."

Abby smiles at me. "Alright. Go into Studio C, get changed, and I'll meet you there in ten minutes."

Mom clears her throat. "Can I be in the room?"

Abby frowns. "Usually, no. But because it's your first time I'll make an exception for you."

I sigh quietly. I can behave myself. Whenever anyone meets me, they're charmed and the like me. When they meet my mom.... that's a different story. She can be a little chatty.

We get to Studio C, and I change and stretch. My mom pokes corrections at me. "Straighten that leg. Flex your foot."

Eventually, Abby walks in. Showtime.

Vivi-Anne at the ALDCWhere stories live. Discover now