Chapter 6- Hiding

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Viviannane's POV

I drive home in tears pouring down my face. I didn't know what to do or what to say. I had mascara running down my face and I couldn't even see the road because of my tears. I felt like I mentally couldn't take Dr. Woodstone seriously. I had a hard time believing him. I pick up my phone and dial Cambrie.

"Hello?", Cambrie said.

I couldn't say any words. I hung up. I cried some more. I headed for home but I didn't want the boys seeing me like this. I text Luke to see where they are.

V- Are you guys home?

L- I am. Michael is visiting his aunt, and Calum and Ashton are meeting Niall for lunch today.

V- Ok

L- What happened to you this morning?

V- I went to my grandmothers house with Cambrie.

L- Oh

I didn't want Luke seeing me like this or have any suspicion of this morning, so I go to Starbucks Drive- thru and order till my eyes calm down. I spend another hour just driving around L.A till I looked fine. I go home and go straight to my room. I didn't know who to tell or what to do. Dr. Woodstone said Stage 3, Leukemia and I have a rare form of it. He said I only have 4 months to live. How can I be calm. I cry again. And I cry till I fell asleep.

Luke's POV

I was walking to the kitchen and saw Viviannane's car in the driveway. I didn't see her come in though. I head to her room to find her asleep on her bed. I looked over and she had mascara running down her face. I wondered what happened but I didn't bother waking her up. I put a blanket over her and went back to the living room.

(Couple Hours Later)

"Hey.", Michael said walking through the door.

"Hi.", I say.

"Are the other boys home?"

"Yeah, they are playing basketball I think outside.", I say.

"Oh ok. Is V home?", Michael asks.

"Uh, yeah. She got home about 2 hours ago. She is asleep right now."

"Where did she go?", asked Michael.

"Grandmas House."

"Got it..", Michael says getting settled.

(Later that night)

Viviannane's POV

I woke up and just laid there wanting to cry again. I heard the boys and I knew I had to keep it together. I wipe off the dry mascara that was on face and pulled myself together. I walk out to the kitchen and see all of them watching the World Cup FIFA Game. I try to be as quiet as I can. I didn't wanted draw attention to myself. Ashton turns around and sees me. I put my finger on my mouth and he gets the signal of not saying anything. He nods. I get a cup and make myself a warm tea. I look at where the boys were sitting and there is no Ashton. I walk back to my room and Ashton is standing near my door.

"You ok?", Ashton asks whispering.

"Ya, I'm fine. Why?"

"You look like you have been crying.", Ashton says.

I just look at him.

"Was it Nick?", Ashton says.

"NO!", I say, not meaning it to come out like that, "Sorry. Just I am fine. I am gonna take a hot shower and I will be out in a hour."

"Ok.", Ashton says.

I walk into my room and close the door. The thought that I cancer and me having to tell anyone seemed so unreal. I leaned up against my door and cried again. I got into the shower and just stood there. I keep thinking over and over again, this can't be real.

(1 hour later) 😂

I walk out to the kitchen and they are still watching the game.

"Hey.", I say.

"Hey V.", says Calum.

"Do you guys want me to make you something to eat?", I say.

"Me and Ashton already ate.", said Calum.

"Michael went back out. You know that Sabrina girl? Well, he is with her.", says Ashton.

"Oh ok. Luke do you want anything?", I say.

"Do you want to go out and eat?", Luke says.

I really didn't want to go out anywhere. But I would do anything to not cry for at least a minute.

"Sure." So I grab my purse and we head out the door.

Calum's POV

"Am I the only one who thinks something happened today with V?", asked Calum.

"Yeah, she seems displaced.", Ashton said.

"Do you know anything?"

"Nope.", said Ashton.

I knew there was something up but I couldn't put my finger on it. I carried on with the night till Luke and V pulled up to the driveway. I look through the window and see Luke kiss V on the lips.




"What?!", Ashton says looking through the window.

The boys and I always wanted V and Luke to date, ever since the beginning. I keep watching and they kiss again.

"Well they definitely had a good time.", I say. I see them walking up and I get back to my place. They open the door and V walks to her room. Luke follows. I look at Ashton and we both exchanged smiles and eyebrow talking.

**this is more of just a filler sooo yeah.. Wait till the next one!!!!!


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