Chapter 10- Date

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Viviannane's POV

I was getting ready for the date with Luke. I choose a long white jumpsuit with a sandal. I kept it simple, nude makeup, and curled my hair. Luke was gonna pick me up around 5pm, because even then the sun isn't even thinking of going down. That's what I hated of summer nights. Like SUN GO DOWN.

"Viviannane.. Are you in the bathro- Oh V! You look beautiful.", Cambrie says.

I smile. I looked in the mirror. Yeah, I did look hot. Smexy. I head downstairs with Cambrie and head to the barstool.

"You excited about tonight?", Cambrie asks.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that."

"About what?"

"I was thinking about telling Luke about my cancer."



"What made you think of that?", Cambrie asks. I didn't want to tell her about Ashton confronting me and basically giving me only 3 days. I didn't because Ashton and Cambrie had some feelings for each other.

"Well, i don't know, I mean, I have treatments 3 times out of the week and they are gonna wonder where I am.."

"True.", Cambrie says while the doorbell rings.

"Hey Luke! Haven't seen you in forever!!!", Cambrie says giving him a hug.

"You just saw me at 11 this morning.", he says. Cambrie stands back and has a WTF face.

"Oh! Cambrie! I thought you were Viviannane! Jeez, you guys look so different when you guys aren't together but when your together, you guys are the exact same.", Luke says laughing. He walks over to me and kisses me.

"Awww!", Cambrie says.

"Shut up Cambrie.", I say in the middle of kissing him.

"I will make sure she is home by 12. I hope.", Luke says winking at Cambrie. We get in his car and he gets on the highway.

"Where are we going?", I ask.

"Beach.", he says smiling at me.

I smile. I enjoy a silent car ride with my love. On the way to the beach, I fell asleep, but I woke up to the smell of burgers and fries. I open my eyes to see Freddy's Burgers logo on the bag.

"YOU GOT FREDDYS BURGERS!", I say really loud. He laughs so loud too. Me and Luke or just me had a long history with Freddy Burgers. It was classic move Luke would always make when he took me out. Any burger place. That was where Viviannane and Luke always belonged. We were only 2 mins away from the beach. We parked and headed to the sand.


We were sitting at the beach listening to the waves roar. I was debating on telling him or not about my cancer.

"I have to tell you something."

"What is it V?", Luke says.

I sigh. Just say it V. Just say it.

"I, uh, I have cancer."

Luke laughs.

"What's so funny.", I say.

"Nice one V. Nice one.", Luke says leaning over and kissing me, I kiss him back.

"Nice what?"

"Nice joke. See, V. This is why I love you. Because you can make me laugh at any time."

I laugh. Sort of. I let out a deep breath. Well that didn't work.

"You were joking right?"

"Yeah. Totally jokin with ya!", I say. Well that failed.

We walked back to the car. I couldn't blame Luke but really Luke? Really? This just made it two times twice as hard.

3days- 1 days = 2 days.

2 days to tell them.


SOOOO YEAH!!! Luke didn't catch on to what V was trying to say. AHHH


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