Know Your Place

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The door slams shut and then we are all alone. Daniel paces the floor, slowly and languidly. He doesn't care. He walks and walks around. I stare and stare at the floor. I don't want to move. I don't even want to breathe. 

The only thing I want to do is cry. But I can't. I fucking know I can't. But I want to and I hate myself for it so so much. 

"You understand the importance of this mission right?" These are the first words that come out of his mouth. He walks toward me, slowly. The black shoes click and clack across the concrete floor. Daniel grabs my chin and makes me look at him. 

"We're the only people who keep you alive. No one else wants you. No one else will even take you to your goddamn home and keep your weak body fed like us. We are kind and generous. We're the freaking heroes and you spit on us for it. You're an extremely ungrateful bitch." 

He's wrong. I was happy at home. I was loved. I was fed. I was-  Then they took me at night. They ruined me. I seduce people at night. I've killed people with poison. Too many times, I had to wash out the blood vomited onto my lingerie and the bed. 

Too many times, I watched the body be hauled away and feel the imaginary blood on my hands.

The insult is punctuated with a slap. My right cheek stings. But at least I don't taste blood in my mouth. The copper taste of blood has become my drink nowadays. 

"Look at me." 

I do as he said. I don't feel anything anymore. I am weak. I am nothing. I don't have anyone nowadays. I am all alone. 

"You know your place right?"


"What is it?"


Daniel's shoulders shake with laughter. I must have said the wrong answer but what else could it be? I am a prisoner within this walls. 

"Wrong, honey bear. It's slut, whore, and bitch." You have no use besides your body. Sadly, your body is deteriorating. You are too skinny for our customers' tastes. You might get replaced soon enough." 

I know what happens if I become replaced. I die. Another young girl suffers the same treatment as me. I don't want to die. Scratch that. I want to die. But a girl cannot suffer because of me. I think to myself. I didn't mess up the mission, but Daniel, the leader, always wants someone to blame.  

Daniel rambles on. About how I killed 4 men because of my mistake. I seduced the target perfectly. The guard outside the door was secretly a policeman. He called backup once the man vomited. It wasn't my mistake. It was Daniel's. 

"I should kill you right now. And then take your pretty little sister. Francine, isn't it?"

I snapped. I pulled Daniel into a kiss. He seems to enjoy it. He mumbles, "Show me you're worth living." against my mouth. I fiddle with his jacket until I pulled the gun out. Then I shot him in the heart. The real blood's on my hands now. I can't feel any remorse. Adrenaline is rushing through my veins. I'm giddy. "I showed you I'm worth living. But you're dead. So you can't show me your reaction, sadly."

I did the one thing I was dreaming of. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. 

I laugh loud. The guards come in and stare at the dead leader. I notice them shoving me to my knees, knocking the gun out of my hand, and beating me up. Then I realize, that they can't beat me up. One of their rules is that if someone kills the leader, then the killer becomes the leader. 

Daniel always kept loyal guards at the door while he slept. He had someone to taste his food. He knew that he had to be kind yet dangerous. 

Everyone loved him this way. Everyone knows that I exist, but considered me to be harmless. To be nothing but a pretty baby doll. I was harmless for 5 years. Until now, of course. 

"I am the leader." I choked out, blood spilling from my mouth onto the floor. It was pretty. It reminded me of rose petals spilling across the bed, promising a night of love. Rose petals on my bed had fake promises.

The guards stilled. They knew the rules. "Bow." I smiled, showing them my bloody teeth. They like me for my body. They'll hate me for my personality. 

Well sadly, I don't give a fuck. They are my toys now. Nothing more. 

Soon enough, I get my revenge. I pretend to be kind. To be meek. To be vulnerable. I pretend that I am a girl who loved Daniel, a girl who was played by Daniel, a girl who cannot lead. However, she has to. Until she dies, of course.

I'm not dying tonight. 

Tonight, I kill the guards posted outside the door. I seduce them both. I lure them to my bed with the rose petals. I pretend that I'm thanking them for their wonderful service. As they writhe in pleasure on the bed, they don't notice me pulling out the gun and shooting them in the throat. The looks of horror and hatred paint their faces as they die. 

I tsk. Everyone should know by now that the rose petals on my bed are a lie.

I shoot all the people in their throats as they sleep. I start with the most dangerous ones and go down. No one wakes from my feet padding the floor. 

I leave all the beds painted with blood. Everyone's much more prettier when dead. 

I leave the place. Someone's going to find the gang eventually. Someone is going to appreciate the work I did. I just know it. 

I finally go home to my family. They're happy to see me. I am too. 

But I ponder on whether I should have never came back to them when my mom tells me that the police are at my door.

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