Wicked Chants

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this story! I apologize if I don't have the Latin phrases correct. If I have them wrong, please comment below and I will correct it.

"Gratum intrusus ad nostram domum."

I hear the crackling of fire dancing around me. I see no fire though. I see only a man in front of me with red eyes and a wicked smile.

I am not afraid of him. I hold my chin up high and my back is straight. My hands are at my side, ready to strike if he breaks free.

"Your abode is.....interesting, I must say." He says. His red eyes dart around my room, with a smile still on his face.

"I want you to bring back Damon Monroe." I say, ignoring his comment. I can hold him for only so long. My power is great to a limit.

"You can't play god, dear. People die and people die." He chuckles.

My face betrays no emotion. I can't be an open book around people like him. 'Things.' I thought, correcting myself.

"I have the Chiaroscuro." I say.

He perks up and stares at me intently. I stare at him, unflinchingly.

"Show me it." He hisses. His eyes shine with a wickedness that is far beyond this world.

"Not until you do my favor first." I say.

His eyes lose their shine a little, replacing it with disgust. It doesn't send a shiver down my spine though. It shows that I had not fallen for his trap. No matter how small it may be.

"As you wish. Corpus et anima non potest esse sine invicem. Sic, ego dabo anima ad corpus." He chants.

I hear a sudden breath of life from the other room. He must be alive. He must be back to me.

"Now the book, my darling. Show it to me." He says.

I pull the book from my shelf and show it to him. His eyes widen in surprise and his smile grows even bigger than before.

The Chiaroscuro is white and black, intertwined with each other. The front cover is covered in demonic symbols, that I can't interpret.

"Hand it over to me." He says as he stretches his hand out, waiting for me to give it to him.

I smile wickedly, "You only made this deal, as I have to show it to you. I don't have to give it to you."

His eyes have a flash of hatred, but he covers it up with a smile. "Well played."

My power begins to flicker slightly. He smiles and exploits that flicker.

I'm thrown back into the wall and sink to the floor. At this point, my power truly weakens by a large margin.

He chuckles and steps outside the circle. "Foolish girl, you misunderstand the true meaning of my words."

I drag in a shallow breath. I barely muster up enough energy to send him back.

"Iam non es exspectata in hac domo." I chant as I lift up my hands.

The man in front of me, shatters in sparks. The only remainder of him is the burned patch of carpet.

I shudder and my hands tremble. I am barely able to smile in my victory.

I slowly fall into the depths of the abyss within me. I smile. Now, I can rest for a moment.

A voice whispers in my mind, quickening my heartbeat.

"You thought I was gone, foolish girl."


1. We welcome the intruder to our home.

2. The body and soul cannot live without each other. So, I give the soul to the body.

3. You are no longer welcome in this home.

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