Prim and Proper

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A/N: This is The Selection-inspired drabble. This drabble doesn't contain spoilers for the book series. I put my own spin on the main character, America Singer as I wasn't a huge fan of the way America Singer is in the actual books. The drabble takes place in the beginning of the book. Enjoy!

The servants dress me in a dazzling gown. A gown that I would have never worn in my life. This gown signifies luxury and a life without hardships that determine whether you live or die.

The necklace around my neck shines a life without starvation, a life without work, and most importantly; a life without poverty.

All of this will be given to me at a cost. The cost of ever finding true love. If I win, I will marry a prince that I never met. I will marry a prince only see on television or in magazines.

If I win, I will be in a loveless marriage. If I lose, I go back to a life of poverty and hardships.

Is my perspective of love more important than family?

Half of me says yes. Yet, half of me says no.

I will win for my family alone. No one else can change that. I wonder what the prince has a say in this.

I will win for the chance that my sister, May can live a life of luxury and to never have a taste of the hardships that she will receive when she grows up.

I will win.

I am America Singer and I will win.

I'll be darned if I let anyone stand in my way.

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