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A/N: I hope you enjoy! Inspired by the PJO series. If you haven't figured it out, the child is the daughter of Athena.


Each day, living without one parent is kind of sad. You get used to it though.

I never had a mother, only a father. My father told me that she was gone, that she didn't care enough about this family and left.

He also told that I inherited her gray eyes but I inherited his brown hair.

There was always a hint of anger underlying those words. Like he is still angry at her, even it has been 11 years.

My mother left during my birth. My father still remembers her after all these years. All these years. He remembers her smile, her eyes, her laughter, her everything.

He still loves her, even now. For the past 11 years, he never remarried. Not at all.

To make matters within my family worse, there are always incidents happening at the schools that I attend.

I've been to 5 different schools, 5 times in 5 years. So, 1 new school for each school year.

The first time, there was a huge fight that broke out. It was between a guy that had one eye on his forehead and a security guard.

The guy broke the guard's baton and knocked him unconscious. Then, he came after me.

I ran away and pushed objects into the way behind me so he couldn't chase me. The principal wasn't happy about that. He said that I caused an obstruction of property and over a small thing as well.

Apparently, the guard and the guy was putting on a skit and pretended to chase after me to scare me.

I don't believe them for one second. I know what I saw.

This has happened with the other 4 schools that I went to. In different circumstances of course. 

I guess that I will have to get used to this for the rest of my life.


Dear Father,

I finally found a place where I truly belong. Now, I know that I'm not crazy and other people are going through this transition too.

It arouses a sense of belonging, a sense of home in my heart. I miss you though and your overly sweet pancakes, just the way I like it.

I got to meet my mother too. Mother is nice. I know that you don't like to talk about her, but she said that she missed you and that you were the one who is the best out of all men. I also got to meet my half-brothers and sisters.

They're just like me, but with blond hair. Which is fine, of course. I like being a little different and the hair reminds me of you.

It's been a year since I have seen any attackers. So, I'm safe. Stop worrying so much, okay?

Some more good news: I'm the best out of my cabin.

"It's in your blood." Chiron always says as he gives me a gentle smile.  He is such a good mentor. Possibly, my favorite one of all time.

Well, I miss you and hopefully I'll see you for Winter break this time. Here's hoping it won't get messed up like last year.



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