It Was All Fake (Part 1)

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A/N: I hope you enjoy! Set in the The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich. This story is from the POV of a regular person, not the Love Interest himself. No spoilers for the book.

I stare at the mirror, checking out the outfit that I had for my date. It's in his favorite colors. I am confident that he will like it.

No, love it.

The outfit is in black and white. A white shirt over a short black shirt and a black blazer to top it all off. I also dug out my black boots out of the closet to compliment it.

I walk over to the coffee table to grab my phone and see the bouquet of roses in the vase with a special card telling me to meet at his home.

Liam always knew that my favorite flowers are roses.

I grab everything I need and rush out of my door, my curiosity and excitement driving me forward.

Before I know it, I'm at Liam's place. I check my watch and see that I'm 5 minutes early.

Well, Liam has probably set up everything by now and just calming his nerves. My excitement is building up to a point where I run to the door and open it with my key.

Liam had gifted me his key on our second anniversary.

When I open the door, I am met with a sight of a regular apartment. I frown. I thought that Liam would spice the apartment up, like the many dates that we had in his apartment.

I enter the living room and circle around. I hear a voice that is muffled. I can't tell whether it is male or female.

The muffled voice sounds like it comes from the bedroom. Maybe, Liam prepared something steamy. 'How spontaneous of him.' I thought.

As I get to the door, the muffled voice is actually a muffled moan. A moan from a woman.

Could he?

I shake my head. No, Liam would never do this. He loves me and I love him.

I open the door and see a nearly naked woman and.....

And Liam kissing her, fervently. He is also nearly naked. 

The woman notices me and screams.

Liam turns around and goes white. He shakily says, "Olivia.....this is not what it looks like."

I start crying and run out.

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