This Means War

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A/N: This is a continuation of Now Is The Time To Be Selfish. I do not own the names, nor the way the kingdoms are separated and how each one acts, according to their separation. Those belong to the book, Divergent by Veronica Roth. I hope you enjoy!

News spread around quickly. Everyone now knows of the Abnegation kingdom's fall to the Dauntless kingdom, at the cost of their leader's life.

"The people are getting agitated, my queen. We must take action to control the unrest.", One of the advisors say.

I sit at a wooden table with many advisors around to help me take the next action. Many people (including me) scoff at the advisor's words.

"This is Amity, dear. We believe in peace, not violence, even to control the unrest among our people." I reply.

The advisor's face turns red and sits back in his chair, in silence. Another advisor perks up and says, "He may be right. The former Abnegation's willingness for selflessness and serving others, led them to serve the Dauntless kingdom, my queen."

I take an interest in his words. The advisor to the right of me replies, "If we decide to take action, it should be using the peace serum. Who knows, the Dauntless kingdom might just be passive and not take action against us."

"What do you think, my queen?", The advisor at the end of the table asks.

"I say that we take a vote. All in favor of taking action raise your hands." I say.

Half of the advisors raise their hands. I keep my hands laying on my lap and stand up.

"So it seems that we are split, with only me to break the tie." I say, my quiet voice echoing around the room. In Amity, a queen cannot partake in votes as a matter of influence among the advisors.

I pace around the table. "So, here is my take on this. Amity has always been a model of peace and unity. Now is the time, where it ends."

Some people gasp. "But-", One advisor tries to argue. I hold my hand, effectively silencing him.

"I know what you are all thinking, 'How could you break the mold that we built our people around?', but the Dauntless kingdom is ruthless. It's queen craves power and doesn't believe in our perspective of peace. She is going to change that. She will destroy Amity entirely, remolding it to her view of peace. It's either we let a foreigner change all the we stand for or we take charge of our own kingdom and change Amity ourselves, for the greater good." I say.

Many advisors are converted to my side. I can see it written on their faces. Some are still not convinced though.

I continue, "If we let Dauntless take control of us, now what is truly the point. Amity could stand for war and violence. Amity could be history. We could be Dauntless. Are you really going to destroy Amity to keep the views of peace. With Dauntless in control, there is no peace. We must take action!"

Now all of them are convinced, I smile.

I sit in my chair, once again. "Prepare our people for war. Teach them how to fight. We must defend our kingdom. Even if the Dauntless kingdom doesn't come after us, we are still prepared to fight, if needed. Change the manifesto as well, peace can be achieved in war. Action is not entirely useless."

The advisors hurry out of the room. Soon, there will be more peace, after the potential crisis.

I whisper to the empty room, "The Dauntless kingdom wants the Amity kingdom for themselves. This means war."

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