Chapter Twenty Eight: Hybrid Theory

Start from the beginning

"Another way to tell if they're bad is this, the Dark Elf ships are the ships that are shaped like the letter T," said Witchdoctor.

"May I step into the action?", said a voice.

Jack turned around, Grandma Zar was right there.

"Grandma, I almost forgot you were here," said Jack.

"A grandmother never leaves her grandchildren to fight in war alone. Open the hatch, that way, I can fight the enemies that are on the ground," said Grandma Zar.

"No offense, but aren't you a little too old to fight them?", said Shawn.

"I'm old, not weak," said Grandma Zar.

"How old are you?", said Shawn.

"About 900 billion years old," said Grandma Zar.

"Dang, our grandma is ancient!", said Shawn.

"Allow me to fight alongside you," said Sensei Esorong.

"Sensei, I forgot you were here also!", said Jack.

"Are you sure we should have two elderly people go outside under a crap ton of gunfire?!", said Waldo.
"Of course! Do you even know who your own grandma is?! She's one of THE most powerful Elementors in all of Spacechase! You could consider her to be on par with the Uncommon Elementors! She was actually one of the first members of the Oridian Council of Gods! There's a reason to why she was hired to be a teacher of the Elementor Class in the best school in the Multiverse! It's because she's exceedingly powerful and wise! She possesses a special talent!", said Witchdoctor.

"What is that?", said Jack.

"While most Elementors only inherit ONE power from their ancestors, Grandma Zar inherited all EIGHT of the Common Elemental Powers! She is the only person to possess a rare mutation known as Hybrid Theory!", said Witchdoctor.

"But, V.......I mean No Name possesses light and dark," said Jack.

"But she got those powers from an outside source, an elemental Mindstone," said Waldo.

"Some Elementors do possess mastery over other powers, other than Grandma Zar. But, they get powers from Mindstones. Grandma Zar doesn't use a Mindstone, yet she possesses mastery over all eight powers. That's why she's special," said Witchdoctor.

"Indeed, young grandson," said Grandma Zar.

"And you didn't fight at Ezgarlos because....?", said Jack.

"I was taking a nice long nap, for the 30 days we were in the Abyss. I am 900 billion years old," said Grandma Zar.

"Same with me," said Sensei Esorong.

"Let us show those Cultists and Drow what we're made of," said Grandma Zar.

Waldo opened the hatch to the Zar Voyager. Sensei Esorong and Grandma Zar jumped out of the ship and landed on the floor. No Name joined the fray as well.

Grandma Zar pressed her hands together, a ton of immense power flowed throughout her body.

"I summon the Eight Dragons of the Eight Elements, Ÿïkïctrø!", said Grandma Zar.

And just like that, eight immensely powerful elemental dragons that resembled Chinese dragons, emerged from the ground. All of them had an elemental power. The dragons flew from the sky and destroyed 100 massive Drow ships, each one held a thousand Drow soldiers.

"WHOA!!!!!!!", said Jack.

Grandma Zar grabbed her Staff of the Living Viper and swung it around. It extended into a long, fiery, snake-like whip. She whirled it in circles until a massive ring of fire emerged.

"I release the Ring Of Fire upon my enemies! Night's Bane: Bækö!", said Grandma Zar.

The Ring of Fire flew away from the Staff of the Living Viper. As it flew, the Ring of Fire grew larger and larger. 100 more Drow ships were destroyed.

"She's insanely strong! I bet ya that Space Boy can't even do that!", said Shawn.

"She's 900 billion years old, and she's about 4 feet tall! Yet she is more powerful than our entire coalition combined! Amazing! I've never seen an Elementor do this!", said Waldo.

"If she were here during Space War II, our fight against Deathshadow would've been a lot easier!", said Resizagirl.

They looked back out. No Name was blasting down rows of Drow ships as well. Even the magic-less Sensei Esorong was doing a lot of damage.

Sensei Esorong was using the Art of the Silent Fist to dodge the powerful blasts of Drow ships, causing the Drow ships to accidentally destroy each other.

"Those three are amazing! No Name, Sensei, and Grandma may be the strongest allies we have in this war!", said Jack.

"It's time we join in on the action!", said Waldo.

The Zar Voyager, the Olympian Six, and the Ultramen Trio began firing at the Dark Elves as well. The Blades of Freedom watched as the Allied Forces decimated their enemies.

"Could it be them?! Hybrid Theory?! No Name?! Sensei Esorong?! The Agent Kids, Olympian Six, and the Ultramen Trio?! All of them are in one spot, and just when we need them the most! FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!", screamed one of the Blades of Freedom.

"ALL HAIL THE ALLIED FORCES!!!!!!!!!", screamed the Blades of Freedom.

The efforts of the Allied Forces inspired the Blades to fight harder. So the Blades of Freedom fought harder to beat the Cult. The Dark Elves were losing. With the combined efforts of the Allied Forces and the Blades of Freedom, a big region of the Abyss was taken from the Cult's control, including Muspelheim Mountain.

"Next stop, Muspelheim!", said Waldo.

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