Chapter Nineteen: The Space-chase For The Book

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After retrieving the Book of the Dead and defeating Waldo Nightshade, Waldo Zar decided to board the Zar Voyager. He took control of the wheel and flew around SAFE Academy, assisting his friends in fighting against the Cultists.

Meanwhile, Jack continued struggling against Shadowking. Despite being a very old and frail looking man, Shadowking was as strong as a young and strong man.

He was kicking Jack's butt.

"I am displeased. The other Grimoires seem to be having great challenges, except me. I wanted a powerful enemy," said Shadowking.

Shadowking swiped his fingers back and forth. Jack felt an excruciating pain leaping back and forth across his body.

"Spiral pain: Værädör!", said Shadowking.

Shadowking raised his hands up in the air. Jack began flying in the air. As he rises in the air, Jack felt immense pain shooting in every cell of his body. He also saw very horrific visions. Jack was in pain and was terrified. He was so petrified in agony.


"I love watching my prey suffer. Fly, fly my dear Chosen One. I'm afraid it is too late for you to be saved now. Mwhahahahaha," laughed Shadowking.


Shadowking turned around. The Zar Voyager was right there, piloted by Waldo and Shawn.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, interesting," said Shadowking.

The Zar Voyager began firing lasers upon Shadowking. However, none of them could hit Shadowking. They didn't even hit anything at all!

Shadowking stopped the lasers in midair, it was as if they were frozen in time!

The Zar Voyager was also frozen in time.

"Why are we stopping?!", screamed Shawn.

"This can't be good!", said Waldo.

"Did you guys know that I have telepathy! My telepathy can freeze objects in time, as long as I maintain concentration!", laughed Shadowking.

"Then I'll just make you lose concentration!", said Jack.

Suddenly, Jack came from behind and hit Shadowking in the back. Shadowking lost his focus. The lasers that were frozen in time were suddenly un-frozen, as well as the Zar Voyager.

The lasers rained down upon Shadowking. KABOOM BOOM BOOM!!!!!!

"I guess we'll just have to play more unfair! I'll let you win this round, Chosen One! You got lucky. Give me a better challenge next time! All forces, retreat at once!", said Shadowking.

Then Shadowking disappeared into thin air.

"Where did he go?!", said Jack.

All of the Cult's armies began to retreat from SAFE Academy, as well as the Grimoires. Jack could see Moloch on one of the fleeing ships, glaring down at Shawn. Waldo could see his Spacechase counterpart, all bruised up and beaten, and covered in poop.

"They've retreated!", said Waldo.

Spacechase 1: Rise of The Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now