Chapter Twenty Two: The Dark Prophecy

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Jack continued listening to the Cult rituals outside the ship. They kept repeating the same phrase over and over again. Where the chanting some sort of prophecy?

He decided to ask Waldo.

"Hey Waldo, can you hear what the Cultists are chanting? It sounds like some sort of prophecy?", said Jack.

"It's the Premonition, the Dark Prophecy, the Black Poem. This prophecy, this chanting, is a reference to the Apocalypse, the End Times. I heard this prophecy once before in a nightmare. The first stanza is probably referring to the events that'll cause the Apocalypse. 'Ancient blood and blackened skies, the Lord of Dark shall once more rise.' Then there's: 'And mortal blood shall stain the ground, the end shall come, the end of the Multiverse.'  Perhaps those phrases refer to the countless sacrifices of the Cult of Nousaurong. Then there's the second stanza, which is probably foreshadowing the four major events that'll occur in the Apocalypse. 'In the time of all man's end, four horsemen shall descend...' These four horsemen, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, are the personifications of the four catastrophic events. Conquest represents the event in which Nousaurong will have gained complete dominance over the Multiverse. War represents the event in which everyone will kill each other in a mad scramble for survival. Famine represents when all food, water, and shelter become scarce. Death represents the final destruction of the Multiverse. The third stanza is foreshadowing what'll happen after Nousaurong will destroy the Multiverse. Basically, all you need to know is that Nousaurong will have remade the Multiverse into one of eternal darkness, one where no one will ever oppose him," said Waldo.

"Soooooooooooooo, now that we're in the Realm Of The Abyss, shouldn't we like...........cloak all our ships?", said Jack.

"We don't possess cloaking technology. However, we do possess masking technology. Before we got here, I masked our ships so the Cultists will think we're not a threat. Basically, masking tech allows ships to blend in with enemy ships, unless they figure things out," said Waldo.

Suddenly, out of the ominous darkness, a big bright purple light emerged. A big loud horn was rung. Jack screamed and hid under his seat.

It was a massive Dark Elf T-ship.

"It's okay, they can't see us as long as we're masked and as long as we blend in," said Waldo.

A voice began speaking from the Dark Elf ship.

"Unidentified spacecrafts, this is commander Zækiüs of the border patrol! Identify yourself and your purpose, or prepare to be exterminated!", said the voice.

Waldo spoke on the speakers.

"This is Commander........ummmm......Commander! Yes, this is Commander Commander of the importation company! I am here to drop off some lovely sacrifices for our almighty god! They'll probably make good dinners of sacrifice!", lied Waldo.

"What is your serial number?", said Commander Zækiüs.

"19965780YourButtIsNousaurong," lied Waldo.

Shawn looked at Waldo as if he were a stupid person.

"Dude, there's no way they're gonna fall for that! Are you trying to get us killed?", whispered Shawn.

"Commander Commander of 19965780YourButtIsNousaurong, you are cleared for entry! You may enter!", said Commander Zækiüs.

The big Dark Elf ship flew away.

Shawn was amazed that they actually pulled it off.

"What type of a lie was that?! Commander Commander of 19965780YourButtIsNousaurong?! Really?! That was THE worst lie I have ever heard! I could've come up a better lie!", said Shawn.

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