Chapter Eleven: Grandma Zar

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As usual, they rushed to their next class. SAFE Academy was so huge that you would get lost! The teacher of Elementor Class was an old and wise woman who was also named Mrs Zar, but many referred to her as Grandma Zar (due to Jenna Zar being the other only known Zar teacher at SAFE).

As previously mentioned, an Elementor is an individual who is a descendant of a God.

Grandma Zar was a Hybrid Elementor, an Elementor who has a mixture of many different Elements. Grandma Zar was an Elementor of Fire, Nature, Earth, Water, Ice, Magic, Death, and Air.

Grandma Zar's classroom was full of ancient artifacts and weapons, each stood on a pedestal. Her classroom was huge. It also had a training ground on a balcony nearby.

"Good morning. I am Mrs. Zar, but many call me Grandma Zar due to the fact that Jenna Zar is a teacher here. I will be your teacher in learning about your elemental powers. As you know, Elementors are descendants of the Eight Elemental Gods of the Multiverse, although few are descendants of the Two Elder Gods. I hear we have a special group of students that come from another universe, the Agent Kids and the Chosen One. Please give them a warm welcome!", said Grandma Zar.

"I was wondering, do you know anyone named John Zar?", said Waldo.

"John Zar? Hmmmmmmmm, haven't heard that name in a long time. I do know who he is, he was my son. Some considered him to be the greatest tactician who ever lived, due to the fact that he won both Space War I and the Martian War. I am his mother. My full name is Phoenix Zar. Why do you ask?", said Grandma Zar.

"He's our father. We're preparing for embarking on a dangerous journey to find him," said Waldo.

"GAM GAM!!!!!!!", screamed Curly.

"John Zar, my third son. It broke my heart when I heard he was presumed dead. He was such a great hero and a great son. I am relieved to hear his children live on! I am relieved to hear that my grandchildren live on!", said Grandma Zar.

"Do you believe he's dead?", said Jack.

"I thought so at first, but when his wife, Jenna Zar, had escaped the Cult of Nousaurong, I did so have a glimmering hope that my son was alive," said Grandma Zar.

"What prison was mom held at?", said Shawn.

"I don't recall, Jenna Zar never talked about it. She's too afraid to mention it. But I remember her mentioning the word 'Surtr'. Anyways, it's time to start our lesson," said Grandma Zar.

Grandma Zar took a breath.

"Sorry grandchildren, but I'm afraid we'll have to talk about my son later. Now, back to Elementors. Elementors are the descendants of the Eight Elemental Gods and the Two Elder Gods. As you know, there are Commons and Uncommons. The Commons are the descendants of the Eight Elemental Gods, and as its name would suggest, the most common type of Elementors. The Uncommons are the descendants of the Elder Gods, and are the most rare of the Elementors. There are only four known Uncommon Elementors: Jack Zar, Nightmare Lady, Shadowking, and Judas. All Elementors have amazing elemental powers, but they don't come just simply happen. It takes a lot of focus to master your powers. Not to mention, if you were to truly master your powers, you must unlock your True Potential. Now, can any of our students tell us what our True Potential is?", said Grandma Zar.

A student raised their hand.

"Your True Potential is when you have complete control over your powers. It is a mystical bond between your mind and power," said a student.

"Indeed. The way you obtain your True Potential is by overcoming your greatest fear of all, whether you're a good Elementor or even an evil one. Sometimes, we don't know what these fears are, other times, we do. Your elemental abilities come from your emotions, your thoughts, and your knowledge. Not just logical knowledge, but spiritual knowledge as well," said Grandma Zar.

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