Chapter Fifteen: Jack Vs Shawn Vs Waldo

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The Agent Kids and Zars rushed to their final class of the day, Gladiatorial Combat. The teacher of this class was none other than the headmaster of SAFE, Tireasius.

Gladiatorial Combat class was held at the center of SAFE Academy. The center of SAFE was a large, open forum that held an unlit torch and a pit of fire.

"Greetings, students of SAFE Academy. Welcome to Gladiatorial Combat, the class that tests the knowledge of all of your other classes. Here, we shall pit Elementors against one another. For today's match, we will have............Jack the Chosen Vs Shawn Zane Zar...........Vs..........Godslayer Waldo! A battle royal!", said Tireasius.

"So what are the rules?", said Jack.

"The rules are simple, whoever lights the torch of SAFE will win. Just so you know, this isn't a fight to the death!", said Tireasius.

"That's easy, I'm a fire Elementor!", said Shawn.

"But you have to light it with the fire that resides within that fire pit! Your fire won't light it," said Tireasius.

"Yes, my wimpy brother and my showoff brother.........this must be my lucky day!", said Shawn, with a smile on his face.

"Or your worst nightmare! Don't expect me to go easy on ya, I won't!", said Waldo, with a very evil grin on his face.

"You will use these torches to light the torch," said Tireasius.

Tireasius handed each of the three gladiators an torch. Each of them lit their torches with the fire from the fire pit.

"Let the games begin!", said Tireasius.

The game was on! Waldo created a powerful snowstorm that froze Shawn.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!", laughed Waldo.

But that didn't stop Shawn this time. Using his newly discovered powers of fire, Shawn melted the ice covering him.

"I'm done with your ice! Lemme show you what I've learned! You may have killed a god, but I'm your big brother!", said Shawn.

Shawn created a ball of fire. He threw it at Waldo. But Waldo caught the fireball with his Ultragauntlet. Waldo threw it back at him. Shawn dodged it.

Jack decided he'd get in on the action. Jack concentrated. His hands glowed brightly with light. He created a sphere of light and threw it at Shawn and Waldo. KABOOM!!!!!! It actually did a significant amount of damage.

Waldo and Shawn still remained unharmed. The two charged towards Jack. But that didn't stop Jack. Using the Art of the Silent Fist, Jack dodged the two, causing them to hit a wall nearby. WHAM!!!!!!!!!

Shawn and Waldo got up. Jack ran away from the two fighters. Instead, he towards the unlit torch.

However, Waldo froze Jack in ice.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!", screamed Jack.

Before Waldo could pass, Shawn intercepted Waldo and tackled him.

"Hey buddy! I'm ready to take ya both down!", said Shawn.

"Are you sure about that?!", said Waldo.

Waldo lifted Shawn off his body, with just one arm! He threw Shawn across the floor.

"You must think you're so clever! However, I still have this!", said Shawn.

Shawn pulled out his Sword of Gunjuir. He waved the sword, causing the blade to extend into a long, fiery whip. He swung it at Waldo, knocking him far away.

Shortly after, Jack managed to break free from the ice. He pulled out his Sword of Exzar. The sword emitted a bright glow. He swung it at Shawn. BOOM!!!!! He took down Shawn in one hit.

Jack grabbed his torch and ran to the unlit torch. He lit the unlit torch with his torch. The unlit torch began to emit a very bright glow. Jack had won the fight.

"We have a winner! Jackson Zar the Chosen is our victor! Congratulations, Chosen One!", said Tireasius.

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