Chapter 9

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Everything was a blur. The thing I remember most was a brief pain on my left arm, but I ignored it and kept fighting.

I cut of one of the monsters heads and let it roll at my feet. It looked up at me with those lifeless bird eyes. I turned to look over my shoulder. There was a monster coming at me. I was going to die. I couldn't block his attack. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the pain, but it never came.

I opened my eyes to see the dead monster laying on the ground with a knife sticking out of his forehead.

I had locked swords with the monster in front of me. I pulled my sword out and stabbed him through the chest.

I looked around for anyone. There was no one, but more importantly no more of those ugly creatures.

I grabbed my left arm. When I pulled my hand away it was covered in blood. It was just a cut I would be okay.

I turned around to walk back to Fabian and Gary's house, but there a man standing my way.

He had sand colored hair and dark red eyes that shone in the starlight.

"Your pretty good with that sword." He said taking a few steps forward.

I stepped back. "Thanks. You have pretty good aim."

He laughed while stepped gracefully over the dead bodies of the monsters to retrieve his knife.

"My name is Fredrick, Frederick Winkle." He said putting the knife in his pocket.

I looked him up and down. He seemed regular. No pointed ears. If he's human what was he doing in the woods?

"Octavia. Octavia Ravens." I stated. "Um what are those things?" I sounded completely stupid when I asked that.

"Shadow men. There nasty things. Your the first person I know to take on a whole pack of them and win."

"Well I had to protect my friends." I explained, "Look id love to stay and chat, but I have to get going."

"Oh of course. Goodbye Octavia Ravens I'm sure I'll be seeing you again." He smirked then disappeared into the woods.

When I arrived back at the house Felicity was laying on the kitchen table. She was extremely pale from the loss of blood.

Garry stood next to her treating her wound. The cut was deep and was still bleeding.

Emmaline sat in a chair next to the table. She kept asking Garry if Felicity was going to be okay. There was a cut on her Cheek and she was bruised pretty bad, but she didn't seem to care.

"How is she?" I asked walking over and standing behind Emmaline.

"She's breathing." Said Garry in a serious tone, "If Emmaline didn't get here when she did Felicity would have died."

The comment shocked me. Just the thought of Felicity dead made me shake.

"I'm gonna go get some sleep." I said walking upstairs before anyone can comment.

My mind was racing. Fred winkle. What was he doing in the woods? Who was he? And why on earth did he think he been seeing me again?

I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling until my eyes slipped shut and I fell asleep.

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