Chapter 11

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I slowly followed the group into the throne room, not taking my eyes off Fred. No one else seemed to care who he was or notice he that frighting smile on his face.

"Octavia Ravens." The queen exclaimed.

I turned my attention from Fred to the Queen. I took a small step forward and kneeled before the Queen.

"Yes ma' lady?" I asked.

"This man," she started, "was found in the woods last night. He claims that he knows you. Is this true or is he lying?"

I turned to look at Fredrick.

He was kneeling on the floor of the throne room. Hands tied together. Guards on either side of him.

I didn't really know him that well. I had only talked to him last night and the conversation was brief.

I looked back at the Queen her red eyebrows furrowed into a frown.

Should I lie? I asked myself I could tell the queen I never knew him.

"I only had met him last night in the woods walking home." I stated, "that is the only time I had seen him."

The queen narrowed her eyes.

"You should have told someone you saw him, for he is not a elf so he-" she was cut off by Fred.

"I work for the king. I'm his 1st in command. I have a message sent from him."

Queen Fawn turned her head, obviously disgusted by how he interrupted her. "State the message then."

If Fred Winkle was the 1st in command, the person who is suppose to be closest to the king, then, I'd be terrified to meet his royal highness.

"The king has become very ill," started Fred, "he comes to warn you and your people that when his heir takes the throne the peace treaty between the kingdoms can be broken."

I thought back to our village. It scorched and burned down to ashes. If the king was ill then he wouldn't be able to come and burn down a village, and why would he even order the village the produces all the food to be burnt down? So if it wasn't the king who burnt the village then who was it?

"You will return back to your king and tell him I received the message. Tell him that matter will be sorted out when the time comes." Said the queen. Her face softened at the comment about the king.

"Also," continued Fred he turned to look at me, "I was suppose deliver the message to the Ravens family that John Ravens has been kidnapped."

My dad, he left on that trip to the castle.

"By who?!" Yelled Selestia obviously panicked.

"An undetermined figure." Explained Fred, "there was a small search party sent out, they returned with nothing."

Emmaline pulled Selestia into a hug to keep her quiet for the rest if the talk with the queen.

I glared at Fredrick. His wild red eyes stared back. Still plastered on his face was a mischievous grin. He was hiding something, I didn't know what it was yet, but I was going to find out.

"The meeting is at a end." States the queen, "Fredrick winkle will return back to the king immediately."

The throne room emptied out with a lot of whispers.

I saw the guards untie Fred ropes on his hands,I thought they should have left them on. He walked over in my direction, but I didn't want to talk to him, so I continued walking back to Fabian and Gary's, until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around expecting it to be Fred, but it was Emmaline.

"You met someone in the woods and you didn't say anything? What if he had something to do with Felicity!" She shouted at me.

"I was fighting off the bird things and he helped! We talked after and that was it." I said firmly defending myself.

"Well I don't like him. Stay away from him." She commanded.

After that we walked back to the house in silence.

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