Chapter 12

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Felicity was awake when we arrived back. She was sitting up and looked better then the night before.

Garry was sitting on the couch with...Forest? Why on earth was he here? I tapped Emmaline and she nodded at me witch gave me the feeling that we shared the same suspicions.

"Oh good your back." Said Garry standing up from where he sat.

"Why is he here?" Asked Emmaline the way she said it was kind of rude, but I'm going to tell her that.

"Forest was just stopping by to check up on Felicity to see how she was doing." Garry explained.

"Yes," smirked Forest, "some of is are actually concerned about the matter."

"Are you saying that I don't care?!" Shouted Emmaline.

"Emmaline just stop why don't you go upstairs and cool off." Selestia said walking Emmaline to the stairs.

Felicity's face had gained back some color, so she wasn't so pale.

"How are you doing?" I asked going to sit by her.

"I'm fine. My legs sore, but it's not bad." She said giving me a small smile.

"Felicity?." Asked Gary quietly, "your not still mad at Fabian and I are you?"

"No I'm not." She said calmly, "I apologize for my behavior I just couldn't process everything yet."

That's so like Felicity. Ever since we were kids she always needed something to blame for her problems.

Gary smiled at her then went back to talking with Fabian.

I was going to walk back upstairs when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. There was someone standing outside and I could see them through the window.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air I'll be right back." I said opening then closing the door.

Fred winkle stood outside with his back against a tree arms crossed.

"What do you want?" I said sternly.

"I simply want to talk with you Octavia." He said showing no emotion on his face.

"Oh really? What about?"

"Well since the other night you clearly demonstrated your skill with you sword," he explained "I came to offer you something."

"Look what ever it is I don't want it." I said turning around to go back inside.

"To bad." He said. "I may have information on the Whereabouts of your father and some other family members.."

I froze and turned around. I would have pulled out my sword if I hadn't left it in the house.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "You said there was no information-"

"You see Octavia I am a member of certain group and I talked a few things over with them and we want you to join." He smirked at me.

"What kind of group?" I asked.

"Well we don't agree with how things are ran around here." He explained, "I know with your village being burned and everything."

"How do you know about that?" I sternly asked.

"The word gets around." She smirked.

What was he going at asking me to join his group? Did they really know where my dad was? Other family members? My mom? Nicolas? Maybe they aren't dead.

"Look I'll have to think about it." I said turning back around to go inside.

"I'll be back in two days Octavia I really hope you've made the right choice by then."

With that he was gone and I walked back inside.

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