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It's the summer before senior year, I was hanging out at the pool with my best friend Tony. Tony was tall, beautiful, outgoing, funny, and many more traits you would like your best friend to have. Tony was rich, though she hates when I say it but it's true.

"So you ready for senior year?" Tony says handing me a bottled water. I could see it in her face, that she wasn't ready to go back to school. Why? Probably because she just got dumped by the most popular kid in school. Matt Fisherman, he's tall, super hot, but not my kind of guy because he was obviously a player. But he defiantly was Tony's. Matt has liked Tony since the beginning of time, so never did I think that he would break up with her. I don't know what really happened because Tony hates talking about it.

"Uh, yeah, I guess." I say my voice shakes. I wasn't the type of girl any guy really liked and if they did, they were dared to. I was short, a lot shorter than Tony, Tony is 5"7 and I'm 5"2. I have extremely long hair, glasses, and I'm never up to date with the newest fashion although my style is very vintage and cute.

"I'm sorry Tony it's getting kind of late I'm gonna go in and change and go home, I'll see you tomorrow," I say grabbing my bottle and my towel and heading in the house as she hugs me before dipping back into the pool. Tony's house was huge, through the back door you see the back of her white marble staircase. As I climb up the stairs I'm greeted by an unfamiliar face.

"Oh, Hey Lexi didn't know you were here" His voice was low and extremely attractive. I shift my body over to get the sunshine out of his view and when I saw his face I slipped a little. It was Tyler, Tony's twin brother.

"Oh. Hey Tyler." I say grabbing the railing, trying to recuperate myself. When I reached the top of the stairs, he was still standing there in a towel, it looks like he just got out of the shower. He was muscular, his abs, his pecks, but his arms as he moved flexed. He was tall, around 5"10, tan, brown hair, and all around beautiful.

"Are you okay? Do you need my help?"

"No, I'm good," I say with a little giggle. I quickly get into Tony's room, slamming the door and locking it. When did Tyler get so hot? No, I can't be thinking like this. I slapped myself across the face. I quickly threw on my clothes, grabbed my car keys and my phone. Before I could open the door I heard Tony heading upstairs. I unlocked the door and jumped on her bed.

"Oh your still here, I thought you left," She says with a jumpy voice. She seemed like she was hiding something.

"Oh that's okay I'm just gonna go." I said jumping off of her bed. It was weird never in my life did I think I would be interested in my best friends brother. 


I drove up to the apartment complex. I was always so scared about living on my own. I had lost my parents recently and they left this beautiful 2 room apartment for me right outside of my high school and a couple on minutes away from the college I got excepted to. I unlock the door, place my keys down on the counter and sift through the mail. I decided to order pizza and catch up on some Netflix shows. I started to drift off before my phone started buzzing.

Tony: Bro you ran out of my house so fast, I saw dust fly up from behind you. What the hell happened?

Me: nothing just was excited and jumpy about tomorrow

Tony: Okay well good night and see you tomorrow :)

Me: night see you tomorrow 


I woke up it was about 5am and I had to be at school for 7:30. So I decided to put on a cute outfit, put on some mascara, and head out to the cafe. I walked inside looking around seeing the difference in lighting as the sun was rising, making different parts on the shop light up with beautiful colors. I walked to the counter and ordered my coffee and sat alone at a small table right by the window. I opened my phone and casually scrolled through social media as I drank my coffee. I heard the chair across from me run along the hard wood floor and I instantly looked up to see who it was.

"Tyler. What's wrong?" I said reaching out, rapping my fingers around his wrist, trying to keep a steady grip.

"I told Tony something I shouldn't have." His voice was lifeless compared to yesterday. It was shaking and frightened. 

"Oh um what did you tell her." I said removing my hand to sip my coffee.

"Well I snuck into her room last night..." He said giving me full eye contact. The way he looks at me just send a feeling up my spine that I can't explain, all I know is that I want to jump over this table and rip his shirt off right here.

"Oh well you kno..."

"She had my favorite shirt, but when I walked in she was fooling around with someone so I ran in and ran out. They didn't see me." He said quickly cutting me off. Tony fooling around with someone and not telling me.

"Okay well do you need me to give you a ride to school?" I said slowly standing up from my seat. Tyler took in a deep breath and winced at the pain in his chest. 

"Can I... stay at your place tonight." Tyler said grabbing my hand. Forcing me to sit down again. My best friends brother staying at my place, I mean I'm not complaining I want to be there for Tyler, but Tony probably will complain. I raise my head and look at him slowly.

"Let me talk to Tony." His face lit up with a smile "here's my number, text me if you need anything" I swear his face lit up like a 10 years does when they get a new puppy.

"Thank you...Lexi" He says, a smirk came across his face as he let go of my hand and stood up to walk out. I bit my bottom lip as I watched him walk out.

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