October 15th

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Max hadn’t talked to me in days. He gave me a small goodbye after dropping me off at home, but hasn’t made any effort to talk to me after since. I keep texting him, but he won’t answer. I checked my phone again, to see a text from a person I didn’t know.

Unknown: he’s not going to answer.


Unknown: don’t ignore me.


Unknown: you’ll regret that.


I didn’t feel the need to respond. I didn’t want to respond. It reminded me too much of Andy. Everything reminded me of Andy. I texted Max again, no answer. I decided to set my phone down and go watch TV in the living room.

I wasn’t really watching the show, more just staring at the screen while I thought. I thought about Andy and Max, something I thought about often. I was taken back to reality when the power went out.

“How does the power go out now? There’s no storm,” I questioned to myself. I was going to go downstairs and check the breaker when I saw something in the kitchen.

It was a person. They wore a white mask with a black hoodie over their body. They waved as I took a step back.

“Long time no see, Lily”,” he spoke, pulling a knife from behind his back. “It’s a real shame our time together got cut short, isn’t it? It’s a shame Max didn’t believe you, maybe he could’ve helped.”

He steps closer to me. I’m against a wall now. I can’t move back anymore. He raises his hand and strokes my cheek. Every part of me is shaking. I can’t breathe anymore. He takes a stand of my hair and cuts it off with his knife, shoving it in his pocket.

“This hair will work for now, but before long I will have every single part of you,” he pulls the end of his knife up, and speaks. “Night night, Lilith,” he says, before he slams the end of the knife on my forehead.

And just like that, I was out cold.

Constant Fear [Sequel To Watching You Always]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat