Chapter four- weakness

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Edited by - _Glitched_ thank you :3
(Y'N) - Your Name
(F/C) - Favourite Colour
(A/T) - Animal type
(BF/N) - Best Friend's Name (boy)
-🥀- - Time Skip


I watched it happen again, her body go limb, sinking back into the bed a almost desperate look placed upon her face. However, the look in her eyes obliterates that desperate look. She had a killers glare, one that if pushed could go insane. Maybe she's already been pushed that far? But then again that desperate and sad look placed upon her face. Was it due to what Erwin said? Know coming to think of it she did get tense when he mentioned a friends daughter. What kind of thing happened to trigger her that much?

I glanced at my watch, 9:30 pm, to early to leave work. A bing came from the computer next to me. I placed my hand upon the small computer mouse and clicked onto the email. It was eyebrows, my eyes scanned carelessly across the screen.

Erwin smith

Received: 9:32

My apologies Levi for making you wait this long. I need you to keep an eye on her, I've sent (BF/F) to Farlan he'll keep him in place, I'm relying on you to make sure she stays were she belongs. Do what ever is needed.

Reply> Forward> Delete>

I shut down the computer and stood up. I grabbed the key which locked my office, once satisfied with the locked door I headed down the halls to look for a certain red head. I turned the corner a found her, I called after her.


She instantly stopped and turned round a smile placed upon her face, "Captain Levi, how may I help?"

"I need you to give (Y/N) some new clothes and food, make sure she understands what's she's going to be doing."

"Yes sir!" She exclaimed, rushing of to the floor (Y/N) was on

I turned round and walked toward the kitchens, I unlocked the cupboard with my tea in it. I proceeded to make a cup of tea and sat down in the hall. (Y/N) popped into my mind and so did a theory, the day we captured her she was so determined but without that annoying boy she's always on the defensive. Shes not that strong without him. So that's it's. She puts all her confidence in him but when he's gone she's a weak little girl. Well, that's all we have to do. Just take him away and we'll be able to control her easily. This is going to be a fun few months.

I was about to take my first sip when the hall doors slammed opened, I turned round my eyes meeting amber ones. Petra was catching her breath, she never slams doors opens so something was up. After a couple of seconds she regained her loss of oxygen and told me what was up.

"Sir what was the recent case our squad was studying?"

"Do you mean the one with that group in the trost district?" I asked, know intrigued

"What was there logo thing we found on each member?"

"A (L/D) why?"

Petras face sunk, it was almost like she had seen a ghost, "Sir, she has the same logo on her left shoulder."

This was bad, that group was able to get past Farlan due to having more numbers and know what I think is their "Captains" have been captured there going to be here soon. I grabbed my phone and rung eyebrows.

"Levi? What's the matter?"

"Sir we have a problem."

"What do you mean?"

"We've got company coming and fast."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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