Chapter one- Ackerman

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Chapter one- Ackerman
Edited by- _Glitched_ thank you :3
(Y'N) - Your Name
(F/C) - Favourite Colour
(A/T) - Animal type
(BF/N) - Best Friend's Name (boy)
-🥀- - Time Skip



A delinquent, or in other terms a criminal, is the term most often used to describe myself and (BF/N). The date was Sunday 19th of June and us delinquents were about to head to the Maria district and rob their strongest and dare I say wealthiest bank they owned. We had planned it for a while now but issues had come up, one being that the security in the area had been titan-ed due to a group that goes by the name 'the shifters' had committed many crimes in one week so it caused us to delay our plans. Luckily, (BF/N) has negotiated with them and declared that the bank is ours and if they were to attempt anything in it, he would have to take matters into his own hands; which usually wouldn't end well for the other group. The shifters and us had a reasonably decent relationship but something told me to always keep our distance and I made sure that (BF/N) knew that too. We would go halves on jobs and help each other if absolutely necessary, but apart from that we wouldn't talk to nor visit each other. I guess we have a love-hate relationship!

Anyway, on Sunday we geared up and decided to leave at 8:30. The reason why was that the guards switch over and the lesser skilled ones took over. We discussed the plan about fifty thousand times and left the building (it was only temporary due to the fact that the police couldn't track us). Discreetly, we leaped across fences and proceeded onwards towards the bank. Last week (BF/N) had circle the perimeter to find different ways to get into the bank that would work with our schedule and plan- checking which one had less security and which would be a faster entrance and exit.

I knew our plan was flawless but I couldn't shake this odd feeling the whole time, but I tried to shrug it off as me being paranoid but in the back of my mind, I still knew something was wrong. It turns out that I was correct in thinking that and wished I had said something to (BF/N) but foolishly I didn't. He tried so hard for this mission so I kept my mouth shut. Possibly the worst decision of my life.

We eventually reached the bank, some how managing to get passed the guards, with us only a swift glance at each other. Finally our gold mine was right within our reach, but just as a caution we placed our mask on our faces. Mine was (F/C) with slits for eyes and a (A/T) reflection. (BF/N) had a rather similar one but it was just a different colour. We charged into the bank, guns in hand and smirks on our faces.


At long last we had finally achieved what we have planned for what seemed like years! I laughed out loud, (BF/N) joining in. I hugged (BF/N) whilst shouting thank you over and over again, he ruffled my hair and smiled down at me. Just as it seemed the world was in our hands a small issue pulled up. None other than...

Detective Ackerman.

The man who made even the most notorious criminals stop in their tracks with just his glare, stood in front of us along with his squad. (BF/N) cursed under his mask and pushed me behind him. Detective Ackerman appeared weak due to his short stature but he was the complete opposite.

Ackerman had excelled in all types of combat and had unbelievable knowledge. If you were to escape him it would be considered a miracle...but that only happened was possibly only around 0.1 % of the time that criminals would be able to escape and once they did, rumours would often spread like wildfire.

"Lauf jetzt!" (BF/N) said (translation: Run now) wearily searching the room for a quick enough escape route.

You see, me and (BF/N) had come from German/ English speaking families. It came in useful when we got into sticky situations like now or when we needed to talk without the person understanding.

"Nein, ich kann dich nicht hier lassen!" I replied. (Translation: No I can't just leave you here!)

(BF/N) sighed and smiled under his mask. Suddenly, he charged towards the squad, somehow managing to fight most of them...or at least distract them. However, in the split second that I had looked at (BF/N), Ackerman had disappeared. My eyes darted around the room. Crap! Where is he?!

My question was soon answered when I glanced back over at (BF/N) who had turned to face me from the other side of the room. Before I could say anything, he shouted:




Welcome to my first Levi X reader that will hopefully get passed chapter 3 before I delete it!!

I'm not great at writing so please bare with me, sorry if the chapters are small, the reason is that I feel pressured that they have to be long plus if there short I can get them out quicker!!

Anyway I hope you enjoy and I'm always ready for helpful criticism and ideas!!

-C _;)

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